Thursday, June 12, 2008

10 Seconds ago.....

My Conversation with Molly....

Me: Molly do you want to go get your sister out of bed?

Molly: Is Charlotte on the ground?

Me: I don't think so, I think she's in her bed still. Do you want to go get her?

Molly: Is Charlotte in my bed?

Me: I don't know - probably not - she's probably still in her bed. Do you want to go get her?

Molly: Sure. Is she in her bed?

Me: I think so.

Molly: Okay

Conversation from their room (through the monitor)

Molly: Hi Charlotte.

Charlotte: Hi!

Molly: Did you sleep in your bed?

Charlotte: Yea!

Molly: Did you play with the shoes?

Charlotte: Yea!

Molly: Let's go downstairs.

Charlotte: Okay!

Charlotte and Molly come down stairs - Charlotte is wearing 2 different shoes - both not hers and has another pair in her hands. Molly says: Can I have a snack? Now I must finish my blog and get my gorgeous daughters their snack! :)

This is the randomness I get to look forward to daily! :) Pretty amazing right?


Susie Q said...
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Susie Q said...

Ho;y Smokes, the sheer randomness. As James would say..."GLASS"

Emily said...

Seriously.... It's pretty fun being around 2 two year olds all day... I get to have these kind of conversations ALL day! ;)

Haley said...

i love your babies

Sarah said...

Sarah T and I were laughing about this over the phone the other day. I can so picture Molly saying all of that.