Meet our new van.... we have not named him/her yet. I think I need to know her personality better before I give her a name.
Our Dodge Grande Caravan just gave up living - it kind of decided to slowly give up and we decided we didn't want to deal with it anymore... so hence the new more reliable minivan! It's so much more hip than the Dodge - we already love her and she's only been in our family for about an hour and a half! :) The girls love her too. Lots of neat little features and the price was perfect!
Anyway - that's our new baby - I will let you know when we decide on a name - we are convinced that once you name a car it will treat you better - we never named the Dodge - we just called it the minivan - maybe that's why it decided to no longer want to live anymore.... never will know for sure.
Janet? I don't know - I'm thinking something to do with Zoom Zoom...
Matilda Mazda, aka Mattie.
Although I like Janet, it has a certain oddness to it that appeals to me...
Ok, fine then. How about Lola. Lola sounds like a fast woman.
That EXACT same thing happened to our old dog, Barney.
Her name is Lola. She blah blah blah blah... With something something in her hair, and blah blah blah blee blah blah blah.
I really shouldn't sing songs I don't know the lyrics to.
Whatever Lola wants... lola gets...
What the hell is wrong with Janet? Am I the only fan of Schooolhouse Rock? "Interplanet Janet" anyone!?
No? Fine...
"Interplanet Janet, she's a galaxy girl,
A solar system Ms. from a future world,
She travels like a rocket with her comet team
And there's never been a planet Janet hasn't seen,
No, there's never been a planet Janet hasn't seen."
I think Janet is your winner... she comes with a theme song. Not many cars can say that!
Maybe this one is the Megavan. Since calling the other Minivan obviously gave it size issues.
I'm having a very hard time with this.... Lola? Janet? each has it's charm and it's ring.... whatever I choose though it will be _____ Megavan - Kara you are completely correct... it needs to feel secure in it's size - actually with that said - maybe it's a boy.... any boy names???
Rubbish. It's totally a woman. Do not dare to name a van of any kind other than rape vans a man's name. (Which would of course be something like Daryl or Hank or the like) It would give it some SERIOUS identity issues. You don't want that now, do you?
Sarah you are so right - I would hate to give it a complex...
Okay so I was thinking... MPV - that's what kind of van it is... we should try to think up a name with those initials - the only thing I can think of is Mini Powell Van - to anyone that doesn't know - Jon's parents had a huge van growing up that we all called the Powell Van - this could be the Mini Powell Van..... that is all I could think of... any other ideas?
MPV Mega Powell Van (duh!)
That's too many words. Nobody will ever remember that many words. Or at least I wont...
How the crap did I ever graduate?
You've all missed it............................................
Turner Brown!
Still am a fan of Lola. Simple. Perfect.
Thanks dad - now Jon wants to get those big nuts and put it on the back of my pretty minivan... it can not be Turner Brown....
We've discussed it and it's Lola... Jon's car is Lonnie (Elantra... Lantra... Lonnie... you see the progression) and mine is Lola - I think it fits perfectly - "Whatever Lola wants chchch Lola gets chchch...."
Please only refer to my van is Lola - I don't want her to be confussed with all the other possible names that were thrown around... her full name however will be Lola - The Mini Powell Van.
Tell Janet I said hi.
Sarah. Your comment just made me crack up! Once again laughing alone in my room. Still smiling. Just so you know. Oh and I like the name em! Very mini van like! :) good choice!
Sarah you can call her Janet if you want to - but her name is Lola - Lola The Mini Powell Van.
Haley - don't wet your pants! :)
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