Thank God we made it home safely and in one piece. We had a really good time but we had bears on our mind the entire time. One of the biggest rules was that you were not to surprise a bear - you should always make noise - so we walked around camp saying "Hey Bear" pretty much all day - it became a joke - but can you imagine if we had actually seen a bear... it wouldn't have been so funny. So the rules are as follows:
Do not surprise bears - make noise.
Do not leave food out - only when preparing or eating - all food should be stored in bear safe containers - coolers don't count because bears know what coolers are.
Food should be covered even in a car - thousands of dollars of damage every year are due to bears breaking into cars to get food.
Do not leave food in your tent at any time (remember that little boy that had his face eaten off because he had hid candy bars under his pillow?)
If you are to see a bear stand still, make noise and make yourself look big - if the bears approaches make lots of noise and walk away - do not run. If a bear attacks you kick and scream and fight for your life....
Sounds like fun huh?
We didn't see any bears though so I couldn't practice my kicking and screaming... bummer huh?
My friend Jessi wanted to see a bear so bad - she was very disappointed that there weren't any around... however 1/4 mile away at the next camp site there were bear sightings - 2 of them - a mom and a cub.... even more dangerous!
So other than saying "Hey Bear" all weekend we walked on trails, fished, went hiking on an Obsidian Mountain - it was so amazing, we walked to a waterfall and everyone swam (I didn't - I didn't bring enough clothes - but everyone else did), a bunch of them went kayaking, we went bike riding and of course ate and drank a lot.... we had a great weekend. This was all without the girls too. Sharon and Danny (Jon's parents) took the girls for 2 nights. It was so nice. I missed them like crazy though. The weekend before they had them too for our anniversary - so it was a little too much... but it was still fun and I'm glad we went. It's always nice to relax and hangout with friends.
Oh and if you didn't know - we were camping at Paulina Lake - it's like 20 minutes from La Pine Oregon and about 40 minutes from Bend..... kind of hidden up in the hills - it was beautiful. However to get there we had to drive through a wild fire - ok... maybe not through a wild fire - but
we could see it from the road - it was pretty surreal - the sky was glowing this weird orange color and was full of smoke - it made it hard to see. It blew my mind that we were allowed to have a camp fire - the fire danger level was at EXTREME - but we had a camp fire every night and it was huge... the boys brought basically a whole tree to burn and they had decided they didn't want to come home with any left over wood....
Thank God we made it out of there safely - what with the bears, fire, and not to mention the longest car ride of our lives... it took us over 4 hours to get there - but here we are - safe and sound and finally bathed!!! I forgot to mention there were no showers.... it was sick! I was beginning to stink.
Anyway - that is all for now... I'm going to get back to watching Big Brother....
Holy God Emily. That sounds terrifying! Yet so so fun! It must have been amazingly beautiful! Did you take any pictures? Oh and YOU allowed them to build a fire with the wild fires at EXTREME? Dear lord!
I had no control over the fire - the men were very much being asses about the whole thing - a girl couldn't even touch the wood... it was very nutty but funny...
I didn't take a single picture - but I hope that Jess, Katie and Riane send me theirs. We didn't even bring up a camera.
Sounds like a cool place.
Kind of cool. But scarry too.
They'll eat anything. Including you.
We recently watched "Grissly Man". A documentary about a dude who thought he was invincible and was eaten by a bear.
Really cool.....for the bear.
I saw that documentary too - pretty freakin' stupid if you ask me.... one thing to be camping with many other people around and a vehicle near by - but to basically go live with the bears - I call that just plain stupid.... he was asking for it.
I agree. Idiot to choose to live with the bears. What did he expect?
I'm jealous. I wanna CAMP!!!
Sweet Jesus! I had no idea how close you were. Damn good thing, cause you think a momma bear fighting for her cub is insane, just imagine how I'd fight for you.
Okay, I'm more of a pansy, but I'd WANT to fight for you!
Glad you had a good time and even more glad you are safe back in good ol' Hillsborito!
I've heard that bears break into Honda Civics more than any other car. Strange, I know.
I want to camp too. I feel like this summer was sort of wasted in that respect. Being preggo aint fun in a tent. I can't even sleep in my own bed with a plethora of pillows.
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