House Hunting on Pause
Well it looks like we will be staying in this house a little longer. For any of you that didn't know - we made an offer on a house out in North Plains last week - and after an entire week of still hearing nothing "official" back we decided that we just didn't want to deal with these people. It made us nervous the way they were handling everthing or lack of handling everthing... Jon and I are in no rush to move - when we find the right house we will know and we will move then... until then we are happy in our little home for now.
I'm kind of relieved that we are going through the process right now - it's nice to focus just on Christmas and this time of year. I love Christmas but ever since we started looking into another house we kind of put Christmas on hold - we almost didn't get a tree - thank goodness we decided to get one anyway.... once the house thing was put on hold - our Christmas spirits are back!!!
Well it's late and I need to go to bed - we have a long day/days ahead of us!
Merry Christmas everyone!!!!!!!!
Good call Emo.
Sweet! Contentment is a gooood thing.
Merry Christmas!
When you find a house you like...you need to bring it home for 24 hours. Try it on, see if it fits. Let it sleep on your pillow...eat from your table, that kind of thing.
There's nothing more important than making an informed decision. And there's nothing even more important than someone who's never bought a house telling you how to do it. Yes.
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