Monday, January 28, 2008
So tonight is one of those nights that I would call pathetic. I am sitting at home alone, well that's not fully true - the girls are upstairs sleeping, but mostly I'm home alone. Jon is at James' show tonight and I'm home with the babes. Normally I wouldn't have any problem with it - however tonight I have a really bad headache, nothing is on tv, I'm not into a good book, and I have eaten all my calories for today - so no snacking.... So I'm online trying desperately to fill my time and watching American Gladiators.... that's a whole 'nother post.... I will probably end up going to bed very soon. Jon just called and said that the first band hasn't even come on yet and it's 10pm - James doesn't play until third - Jon wont be home until well after 1am - I am not staying up for him - there is no way.
Hey but on a very exciting note - I'm down 12 lbs and I haven't missed one day of working out - Wednesday will be 4 weeks! I'm proud!
Well that's all for tonight.
I'm pretty much positive I'm going to bed now.
Friday, January 18, 2008
So yesterday morning around 5am - Jon was getting ready to leave for work and we had heard the girls stering a bit but knew that they would go back to sleep. I needed to sneeze and really didn't want to do it because I was afraid it might wake the girls more... so I held it back and by doing so when I did sneeze I jerked my head so bad that I ended up hurting my neck badly. I had a doctors appointment for something else that day and while I was there I asked the doctor to look at my neck - she ended up prescribing some muscle relaxers. They don't work as well as I would like - really they just make me tired... oh well I'm sure my neck will heal with time - I'm such a moron!!! I wish I could have had a cooler story behind it - but no... just sneezing!! Man I'm getting old! :)
I have to give myself a slap on the back though (if it didn't kill my neck to do so) I still managed to do my workout last night without injuring my neck any further. I was freaking out that my stupid neck injury was going to possibly put a damper on my workout routine - but it didn't - I sucked it up and worked out anyway - drugged and everything! :)
It's been 2 weeks and 3 days so far and I havne't missed a single day of working out - some days I've done it twice a day. As of Wednesday morning I was down a total of 7 lbs and this morning I was down 2 more!! My doctor is thrilled with my progress and I have to admit - so am I!
Anyway - I think I'm going to go lay down while the girls are napping and get a little shut eye!
Sunday, January 06, 2008
I'm so sorry it's been so long since I've posted anything knew.
So what's new you ask? Well let's see.... We had an amazing Christmas. The girls got so many gifts we had to actually move our furniture around just to accomodate. The day after Christmas was probably even better than the day of. The girls walked down stairs and literally walked from toy to toy to toy beaming with excitement - it was so classic. New Years Eve was nice. We started the evening over at Angela and Zack's party at the "Money Pit". We only stayed for about an hour and then headed home (we didn't have a sitter). We went over to our neighbors house and hung for about another hour when Jon decided to take the girls home and put them to bed - he let me stay. My neighbor and I ended up sitting and talking for a while and got a bit drunk off of wine - it was fun. I continued going back and forth between Jon and my neighbors and Jon finished off the night over there with all of us - it was fun.
Jon and I made a New Years resolution to finally kick our butts and lose this weight. We are so tired of constantly complaining and doing nothing. For Christmas Jon bought me "The Firm" work out videos and step stools. I havne't missed a day yet - it is just shy of an hour work out - very intense and very awesome. I have found my passion! I love to work out! I actually look forward to working out - how crazy is that! I feel like I've been missing out this whole time. We are eating well again too - I just feel happy and put together (you know what I mean?).
Anyway - life is good in the Powell house.
I will try to post more often and respond to all your posts too.