Monday, January 28, 2008

Pathetic Night....

So tonight is one of those nights that I would call pathetic. I am sitting at home alone, well that's not fully true - the girls are upstairs sleeping, but mostly I'm home alone. Jon is at James' show tonight and I'm home with the babes. Normally I wouldn't have any problem with it - however tonight I have a really bad headache, nothing is on tv, I'm not into a good book, and I have eaten all my calories for today - so no snacking.... So I'm online trying desperately to fill my time and watching American Gladiators.... that's a whole 'nother post.... I will probably end up going to bed very soon. Jon just called and said that the first band hasn't even come on yet and it's 10pm - James doesn't play until third - Jon wont be home until well after 1am - I am not staying up for him - there is no way.

Hey but on a very exciting note - I'm down 12 lbs and I haven't missed one day of working out - Wednesday will be 4 weeks! I'm proud!

Well that's all for tonight.

I'm pretty much positive I'm going to bed now.


Amy said...

That's fantastic! I'm so proud of you. :) Your motivating me to get off my ass.

Susie Q said...

((Pat, pat, pat)) that's me patting you on the back. Well done, EM!
Do you mind sending some of those vibes this-a-way? I am a sloth.

Emily said...

Thank you!

Sarah said...

I did a few of these half squat thingies on my yoga ball last night. Mostly because it was fun. I didn't feel like it was doing anything, which made me keep doing, my butt hurts like crazy! That's the extent of my "working out" these days. I'm the sloth's daughter.

Emily said...

I want a Yoga ball - I wouldn't even know where to begin with it - but I still want one! :)

froelica said...

Yay on the loss of poundage! Keep up the good work, man. Its freaking hard to keep motivated. Hell, I have a whole gym at my disposal AND I've been unemployed for, like, ever and I still don't go nearly enough. I did lose 3 of my 9 goal pounds though... Although I'm pretty sure I gained some of them back in the last couple days. I've been a bad, bad girl. *chomp chomp*

Haley said...

Gooood job em! sorry about having a lame night!