Friday, February 15, 2008


Another College shooting?
My heart breaks for the families and friends of the 5 students who lost their lives yesterday at the shooting at NIU. My heart also breaks for the family and friends of the shooter - who took his life as well without leaving any reason as to why he did it. His dad came out of his house to tell the reporters to leave him alone that this was a very hard time for him - he apparently threw his arms up in the air and wept - I can't even imagine how he must feel....
This kind of thing scares me so much. I remember the Columbine shooting - I was still going to highschool at the time and was SURE that our school was next - the first week back to school after that shooting I remember feeling so unsure about everything and everyone. Now school shootings are becoming a somewhat normal thing. There have been so many I can't even remember them all. It makes me want to homeschool and shelter my girls from any possible dnager (of course I know I can't). I just don't understand why these things happen.


Susie Q said...

We live in a messed up world, don't we Em? Sin's consequences are everywhere. When people ask where God is in all of this, and why he doesn't stop it, I just know He weeps at what we do to one another. Free will can be a bitch.

Emily said...

Amen! I just pray that those lives lost were saved and are up enjoying heaven!

Haley said...
