For Sale!

Our house is finally on the market. We've been talking about selling for about a year now - we finally decided now is the time. Mostly because we want to get into something bigger and something with a yard! We are truely "itchin'" for a yard. Summer is coming up and having the girls play in the street is really starting to drive me nuts....
Keeping a house clean 24/7 - ready to show - with 2 toddlers is a full time job. I am so tired all the time. I have noticed in the week that the house has been on the market that I start cleaning around 8am and then try to get out of the house once we are ready.... sadly NO one has come to look yet. I feel a little like if I just jinx it and leave the place a disaster someone will come - too bad that isn't really how it works huh? So if you happen to know anyone that wants a very cute 2 bedroom 2 1/2 bath townhouse/condo have them come by! :) I am so impatient and I know that this is a slow market right now... hopefully the right family or person comes by soon!!!
Did what's-her-name put a sign out on the street?
Like Uncle Jim said, Patience. It'll happen. Coming from someone who works in the real estate world, it may be a slow process, but IT WILL happen! Have faith and keep positive thoughts - I'll be excited to hear when it does sell! :) I do remember what it was like to try to keep our house clean when we had ours on the market in Vegas with a child. TOUGH!!! But you can do it! Love you.
Good luck on the sale of the house! see you Wed.
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