Friday, April 27, 2007

I am so tired of being tired!!! I haven't had a full nights sleep in over 2 years now. I am just simply exhausted!!! Coffee is my means of keeping me sane - but I think 6 cups a day is a little excessive - don't you???
So next weekend is our Womens Retreat for our church and I have to say that I am looking forward to it so much because I am going to be able to sleep!!! I told Jon last night that I was looking forward to sleeping and he looked at me like he was going to kill me.... you see he is staying home with both the girls all weekend... sleep isn't what he will be doing at all!! I do feel bad for him - but he will be fine... I hope!!! I am a little nervous because Charlotte is still nursing but it's really just for comfort at this point - so hopefully she will just give up and be a sweetheart for him all weekend.... Cross your fingers!!!

Well anyway - I need a nothing cup of coffee and the girls need a bath - they are beginning to stink... :) Okay maybe not - my girls never stink.... :) tee hee!


Sarah said...

Your girls are the cleanest babies I've ever known.
And 6 cups of coffee a day isn't too extreme. I know from experience, it's just necessary. And gooooood for you. (keep telling yourself that, Sarah) God I miss coffee.

froelica said...

I'm so glad I don't drink coffee or smoke. I can't afford to buy stuff like that all the time. And you KNOW I wouldn't be having any of that coffee-crystal Folgers stuff. I'd go with the goods!

Is it Folgers or Foldgers?


froelica said...

Its Folgers.

You know, I AM supposed to be working right now.... Hmmm.....


Emily said...

Yes Folgers.... I don't drink that crap though - not anymore - I am a BIG kid now... I drink Starbucks - whole beans - but it's free! I haven't had to buy coffee for months now - I have my PEOPLE! :)

froelica said...

Yeah, free food is the best kind of food.

I have people too, you know. Namely James. Funny story, actually:

I went to a concert about a week ago that was sold out. And since I'm so kick-ass I got a special bracelet that let me stand in the VIP area and James gave me free drinks. :)
So, this concert is full of girls, cause its Regina Spektor and she's very girly. And they're all trying to flirt with James so they'll get free drinks. Now, his bar is right on the edge of the normal area and the VIP area, so they can see me. And a few girls were like "Why can't we go in there?" and James was like "Its the VIP section" And then they asked "So, why is SHE in there?" and James' coworker said "Because she's his girlfriend" and they were like "Oh, is that why she gets free drinks too?!?!" (all pissed off and jealous).
James told me this and I laughed so hard. Then I made sure to look over at them when I got my free drink and kissed my boyfriend who made it all possible for ME not THEM. Hehehe.... I'm such a bitch :)