Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I'm back!!!!!

Sorry it's been forever since I've posted or even checked all your blogs - I have no real good excuse - I'm just sorry... I know you've missed me!! :)

So I have nothing really fantastic to tell you right now other than the fact that I am back and I will b posting more often - I promise!

A little peek into my world today - Charlotte is eating raisins on the floor and scooting around saying "ma ma" in a sweet high pitched voice. Molly is still napping - she's been asleep since just before 2pm and it's just after 4pm. Jon is on his way home I am going to start dinner in about 15 minutes - my famous sauce and pasta - yummy! I am sipping a cup of coffee and chatting with you all on this wonderful life saver called a laptop!!! :)

Well that's all I have to share with you all today - other than I'll be seeing you.... or atleast writing you!


Sarah said...

Yay! She's back!

froelica said...

By the Beard of Zeus!!!