Saturday, April 28, 2007

March of Dimes

It was awesome! We will definetly get a big group together for "Molly's Marchers". We raised nearly $300.00 and we only had like 2 weeks! :) The walk it self was very nice - pretty short but nice. It was only a 3k - so just over a mile. We had a great time though and we will join in next year as well - maybe next year we can raise $3000.00!!! Probably not but it's nice to think big right?

After the walk our crazy day began...we took Sharon to brunch on 23rd - Besaw's - it's so yummy if you haven't been before you have to go! We got home a little before 1pm - Jon took Molly upstairs and started working on her room - we are trying to get her room ready for her to be in her toddler bed so we can move Charlotte into the crib and out of our room... anyway I digress... so Jon and Molly were working on her room and I nursed Charlotte and put her down for a nap - I went up to help Jon and he turned me away and said - go take a nap - so I did! :) I slept until about 2:45pm. I played with the girls for a little while and then went off to do bills and make a new budget. When I was done with that I made a grocery list, cut coupons and headed out to the grocery store. On my way there I stopped by Lauren's practice, picked up my avon and paid Sarah. I finally made it to the grocery store and saved about $70 or $80 by going to Winco. After Winco I stopped by Costco to get diapers and wipes but they were closed so I came home. Jon had already put Molly down for bed and I nursed Charlotte and put her down for bed - Jon and I just ate dinner and now I am finally relaxing at 9:00pm... we are watching Triple X and I plan on laying down and not getting up for the entire movie.... just wait I'm sure one of the girls will begin crying before I can even finish posting this though.... :)

Anyway - there is my detailed Saturday - pretty crazy huh??? Sadly they are always like that - this one was actually kind of lax compaired to the last few we've had! Now it's truely time to relax - I have a long day tomorrow as well....


Sarah said...

Just wait 'til the munchkins start school and sports. Your life is over... mine is!

Sarah said...

Oh, and I like your new template for the blog. Very classy.

froelica said...

Yeah, I know about busy. Minerva is way more needy than a baby. She needs me to put kibble in her bowl every 3 days, to clean out her litterbox every 2-3 days, and I have to play with her like 10 minutes everyday. Sometimes Minerva keeps me up all night. Oh wait.... That's just me staying up drinking wine with James and watching movies....

I'm sorry.

Emily said...

Ashley you suck ass!!! Minerva does sound like a very needy little kitty though... I'm glad my kids aren't so constant...

Sarah - thank you I think my blog looks very classy as well! Classy blog for a classy girl - right? :)And I am just waiting for the day... actually I'm not waiting at all - it's creeping up way too quickly!

froelica said...

Yeah, maybe sometime you should babysit Minerva. See what a REAL commitment looks like.
