A minute or two...
Okay so I don't know how long my internet connection will last but I did want to say hello to all you out there! I hope all is well. If you didn't know we had been "borrowing" an internet connection from our neighbor who moved away a few weeks ago... I never even met them but I have to tell you that this has been the hardest transition ever.... me without internet that is - not them moving... Anyway I know I know I am going to have to bite the big one and just get our own internet connection - but for now we are "borrowing" from a very very weak connection coming from God knows where.
Our world has been quite crazy lately. I feel like we have had something on the calendar nearly every day if not more than one. Just for example - this past Saturday Jon helped out at the church at 9am installing a railing - at 10am he came home so I could head over to the church for a meeting, at 11am I swapped once again with him and he went back to the church to finish helping out with the railing project. He finally came home around 12:30pm to have lunch, shower and let me take a small nap while the girls napped too. At 2:30pm we went to one of our elders homes for a 50th birthday party and left very quickly after we got there to go to my parents house for our weekly gathering. It was a great day - everything went smoothly - but it was just a hectic crazy day - and that was just one of the days this weekend....
Charlotte had her 1st birthday party last week - it was so awesome! Thanks Sarah and Amy - what would I do without you.... we'll see - I'm throwing Molly's 2nd birthday party in about a month... it should be interesting. Anyway - Charlotte's party was so great. She got lots of wonderful gifts and "picked" at her cake just as Amy had hoped. Many family and friends showed up and it was a wonderful afternoon.
Like I said I am throwing Molly's party in about a month - it's going to be Shrek themed since she is completely and udderly obsessed with Shrek - it should be very fun! We are going to have it outdoors though because my house is just a bit too small for all of our friends and family - so park it is!
Let's see... what else - oh Jon got a raise today - he had a fantastic review and got a very nice raise - he deserves all of it and more!
Anyway - I do believe that is all for now - I do apologize that it's been so long and hopefully it wont be this long again.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Okay no more whales and sharks.... I'm on to bigger fish.... Okay maybe not bigger fish maybe just new fish or maybe just something new - cause it really has absolutely nothing to do with fish at all....
Anyway.... geez!
So Molly is completely and udderly obsessed with Shrek 2 - she wants to watch it first thing when she wakes up and if it were up to here it would just be on repeat for the rest of the day. Of course it isn't up to her... I know I am such a mean mom - she is nearly 2 - she should be making her own decisions right? :)
So back to the Shrek nonsence - the funniest thing is that as you know there is Princess Fiona in the movie F-I-O-N-A... for whatever reason Molly insists on calling her Lauren - or as she says L-O-W-L-I-N or just L-O-W-L-I depending on the moment. I can't imagine it's because Lauren and Princess Fiona look alike - I mean come on one is green.... I don't know why she insists on calling her that but it's the same thing every day. I try repronouncing it for her but she just looks at me like - "that's what I said mom!" I tested her - I showed her a picture of Lauren while she was watching Shrek and she pronounced them both the exact same.... what a funny kid! So, I'm done trying to make her say it "correctly".... it's cute and that's enough for me!
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Last one....
So for starters - here is a huge - I mean HUGE shark..... notice the size of the people walking beside it.... Jaws anyone?
He's actually kind of cute huh? In a killer whale kind of way....
Ashley - this one is for you - notice how close those surfers are to that little guy..... he could lunge and they would be gone in a flash....
Here is something to cleanse your mind if you do choose to peek at the shark attack victims - aren't they so sweet? I'm talking about the penguins not the victims....
He's actually kind of cute huh? In a killer whale kind of way....
Ashley - this one is for you - notice how close those surfers are to that little guy..... he could lunge and they would be gone in a flash....
Okay I was going to post some other ones of actual shark attack victims but I couldn't do it - it's still too much.... if you want to take a gander at some of the worst things ever - search google "shark attacks" look at the second one down - it's all the victims files and photos of bodies completely thrashed by sharks - I couldn't even look very long - it's so awful.... Oh man I'm not gonna sleep at night now....

Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Already I've failed....
Okay so I said I was going to go work out last night too - but the night got away from me and now I can't work out until next week! Way too much stuff going on each night - Wednesday Jon has Youth Group and Lauren has a game, Thursday I am going with Angela to some bachelorette party for a person I don't even know.... Friday I am leaving for the beach with my mom for the Womens retreat and then all weekend I will be gone... Monday here I come!!! :)
Last night I went to Hayden's game (pat on the shoulder) which was early enough to go workout afterwards but when we got home Jon and I decided to tackle Molly's room - we are still trying to get it ready for her to sleep in her Toddler Bed - hopefully by this weekend - Jon wants to try it out while I'm gone. Anyway, we decided to do that before we put the girls down for bed. So we gave them a bath and played upstairs until it was 8:30pm - the girls were exhausted they normally go down before 8 - oops!. We got the room ready though - now we have to just put the "baby proofing" stuff on - that shouldn't take long at all!!! I'm just nervous about leaving her in there alone and able to do whatever she wants... it's kind of scary!!! You've all met her - she's a viking!!! That room is going to be destroyed in about 5 minutes!
Well now that you have read yet another post you don't care anything about I am going to go eat some breakfast with the girls!! Good day!
Okay so I said I was going to go work out last night too - but the night got away from me and now I can't work out until next week! Way too much stuff going on each night - Wednesday Jon has Youth Group and Lauren has a game, Thursday I am going with Angela to some bachelorette party for a person I don't even know.... Friday I am leaving for the beach with my mom for the Womens retreat and then all weekend I will be gone... Monday here I come!!! :)
Last night I went to Hayden's game (pat on the shoulder) which was early enough to go workout afterwards but when we got home Jon and I decided to tackle Molly's room - we are still trying to get it ready for her to sleep in her Toddler Bed - hopefully by this weekend - Jon wants to try it out while I'm gone. Anyway, we decided to do that before we put the girls down for bed. So we gave them a bath and played upstairs until it was 8:30pm - the girls were exhausted they normally go down before 8 - oops!. We got the room ready though - now we have to just put the "baby proofing" stuff on - that shouldn't take long at all!!! I'm just nervous about leaving her in there alone and able to do whatever she wants... it's kind of scary!!! You've all met her - she's a viking!!! That room is going to be destroyed in about 5 minutes!
Well now that you have read yet another post you don't care anything about I am going to go eat some breakfast with the girls!! Good day!
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