He's actually kind of cute huh? In a killer whale kind of way....
Ashley - this one is for you - notice how close those surfers are to that little guy..... he could lunge and they would be gone in a flash....
Okay I was going to post some other ones of actual shark attack victims but I couldn't do it - it's still too much.... if you want to take a gander at some of the worst things ever - search google "shark attacks" look at the second one down - it's all the victims files and photos of bodies completely thrashed by sharks - I couldn't even look very long - it's so awful.... Oh man I'm not gonna sleep at night now....

Yeah, that's one large-and-in-charge fish.
You are one sick puppy.
Look who's talking Sarah!
What is all this shark nonsense? Cease and desist!
Kara- We're just trying to prepare ourselves for our vacation-by-the-sea by traumatizing ourselves into staying indoors the whole time. Its all good fun.
Incidentally, I love sharks and whales, but I would vomit myself to death if I were in the ocean and one swam underneath me.
"Vomit myself to death" - priceless!
Wait, what makes me a sick puppy? I mean I know I am, but why?
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