No Anal Leakage - but many more.....
So finally I went to the doctor about the whole Insomnia bull crap. She thinks I'm anxious/depressed and restless. So I've been put on this stuff for all three - I am supposed to take one to two pills a night before bed - if after a couple weeks I'm not noticing a change she wants to put me on Prozac... yikes - Prozac - that kind of freaks me out a bit. The side effects to this one drug are hilarious - I read them to Jon and after reading the "novel" to him he said "yeah but you'll sleep better". Let me list a few of them.... excess sweating, nausea, weakness, weight gain, increased appetite especially for sweets, eye pain, hair loss, twitching of the face or tongue, uncontrolled movements of the arms and legs, difficulty speaking or swallowing, unusual bleeding or bruising, seizures.... the list goes on and just continues to worsen.... basically I get to become a possible nutcase twitching and what not but I might be able to get a night of sleep.... The doctor assured me that MOST people do not experience any of the side effects at all - but that there are a few that do.... am I one of the few that do or am I gonna be lumped into the MOST catagory.... I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Last night I took the pill - I started with just one and I still had a bit of trouble getting to sleep - I took it at 9:30pm and I didn't fall asleep until after midnight.... I also woke up about 10 times - thanks to the girls - they just didn't want to sleep last night. So we'll try it again tonight and see how it does....
My favorite is "eye pain". WTF?
Toungue twitching!?
What the hell is in those pills? Whatever happened to a warm glass of milk? Or the occassional Hot Toddy?
I think I would rather become a slight boozehound over any of those side-effects. They are horrifying. Totally sucks that you have to go through that.
I wish a Hot Toddy would work - sadly I've tried everything - it's been over 6 months of this fun anti sleep shit.... I am so worn out I'm willing to have a bit of eye pain or tongue twitching I guess.
I laughed SO hard when I read: "twitching of the face or tongue, uncontrolled movements of the arms and legs". If that happens, we'll know...
On a more serious note- I hope it works. What is it called? Maybe I know someone who else has taken it?
If it happens...it should all happen at once...and you are to film it. And post it.
The end.
Ashley - It's called Elavil
Kara - I promise....
Ah... From what I've heard, Elavil is generally well tolerated. It's a tricyclic antidepressant, no? A lot of women who have my bladder pain condition thingy take it to reduce pain. I haven't heard a whole lot of bad reports. I hope it helps you to get some goddamn sleep, chica!!
Besides, I believe the scientific term is "uncontrollable oily discharge." My stepdad had that.
"uncontrolable oily discharge" man that is so disgusting I dont'really know hwat to say about that....
Yes that's exactly what it is - she even said that lots of people take it for pain as well.
So far so good on taking it - no problems emerging and I am sleeping much better!!!
No Prozac Em! If it gets to that point, let me know.....we have some natural remedies we can send you! Yeah, yeah....Eric and I are the "non-drug" individuals if we can be....but SERIOUSLY, let us know. We have a list of things you can try. :) BUT NO PROZAC!!!!!!!!!
Yay for Emily! And yay for sleeep!
Yo Emily, I totally agree with Momma troll, NO PROZAC!! Fuck that. It's 2007 and the world is dying, we are in a war we'll never win, your kids are doomed to deal with our mistakes, and everybody is miserable and depressed. If you weren't I'd be worried that your eyes were not open. Do not become a drug addict. Take more walks, read a good book, call me when you feel shitty, we can go and get some bento or something, but don't become a zombie.
-If you're pills still aren't helping you get some sleep, I sometimes take "Trazadone" to help me pass out. Believe me it works. Also no coffee after like 2pm really helps. That's my opinion on the matter...what the hell do I know though, I'm kind of a dumbshit. Love you,
Em, that's the same stuff I took for my Crohn's! I stopped because of the INSANE dry mouth, Good grief! I had trouble even getting a word formed with the Sahara mouth!
But it did help me sleep. The idea was that it would produce not just sleep, but REM sleep, dreams etc. That would help my body heal during the night.
Again, it worked well, and if I didn't need to speak too early in the morning, it wasn't a huge issue. I just never went anywhere without water, and that's not a bad thing.
It is easy to stop too, no issues there, so I think you're in good shape Emo.
How many mgs do you take?
James and Nikki I completely agree - the whole idea of actually drugging myself scares me. My doctor confirmed to me that this drug was not even a drug I could become addicted too - it basically will just kind of allow me to find my sleep pattern again - I shouldn't have to take this forever. It is already working very well I've had 4 nights of good sleep and that's amazing! I don't think it would get to the Prozac stage - I really don't think I'm clinically depressed - just blue sometimes - but who isn't and especially if you haven't slept in like 7 months.... you know what I mean? Anyway - thanks for the advice and James you might have to fulfill the bento trips... :)
mmmm anal leakage!
i demand halloween costume pictures.
I have told Jon that he is in charge of that and as soon as he figures it out we will post them.... sorry it should have been done already - we are still learning how to do our camera (just bought it last week).
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