Halloween Pictures to Come Soon
I know it's been already over a week.... Heres the deal - we have uploaded the pictures and videos onto our computer - however at this point we need to make the videos so you all can see them too - not sure how to yet - we're working on it. The pictures are very very blurry. The new video camera doesn't take good stills - bummer. So we will pick through the lot and hopefully within the next couple of days we will have some up and available for you to look at them.... the videos aren't great either - the lighting wasn't really good for capturing the moment - so they are kind of dark - but it's still funny to watch and see all the costumes again - I think my favorite part (other than the continual capturing of Stephan going down the stairs - Jon wanted him to fall badly) is the morning after - we all look... well hung over! :)
I think the best news though (for me atleast) is that all the other videos are great - we have really gotten some cute stuff of our kids and Sarah's kids - the funniest is of the 4 of them playing in my living room - Hayden and Lauren were break dancing and then Charlotte started to copy them - I was laughing so hard that night and again when we watched it - there were tears... good stuff! :)
Anyway - we will try our damndest to get them out asap! Sorry for the wait.
Love you all,
jeese emily! wont you guys hurry already... gosh!
hehe. im just kidding. im so glad you got some cute captured moments of the babes. cant wait to see them! : )
Het Emo,
Does the camera have the ability to change settings?
Sometimes photos can become blurred because it has a slower shutter speed and any movement would cause blurring.
Check it out.
I don't know - it's a video camera that also takes stills - so I don't know if it has any kind of shutter speeds or settings like that - I am going to have to play around with it...
We just ordered a new camera online last night. You guys made us realize how many awesome moments we're missing. Yay!
I'm glad we could make you feel bad.... wait no I mean I'm glad we could make you see the wrong in your ways.... this is all coming out wrong... :)
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