Thursday, November 08, 2007

5 birthdays, a baby shower and a Wedding.

Sounds like a movie title doesn't it? Nope - just my next 2 weeks wrapped up into a sentence.... We have 2 birthday parties and a baby shower this Saturday. Sunday we have a birthday party and are missing one birthday that happens to be at the same time as Lauren's (obviosly we will be going to Lauren's). Next Saturday we have a birthday party in the morning and a wedding in the afternoon.... I feel like I need to take a deep breath before it all starts.

On a related but seperate note - Sarah and I went to Target today and were able to get all 5 birthday gifts. I walked away very satisfied and happy with every gift I bought. We were also able to even get a couple of Christmas gifts while we were there. I couldn't believe how good my girls did - you all know how horrible they are when we go anywhere - but today they actually did really good. I actually felt a little relieved when I got into the car to go home - normally by the time we are leaving - both girls are crying - I am near tears and wishing I had never left the house - which I know is just not a possibility - most days I just end up not going anywhere because I dred leaving the house - I know they are going to be awful - but today made me see what my future might hold.... I hope I hope I hope!

Anyway - wish me and my family luck in the next 2 weeks. :)


Susie Q said...

I promise it will only get better, (okay, worse some days, but still...)
If I survived the bedlam of young kidlings so can you, little missy. And frankly, you and Sarah do it much better than I did. I NEVER went anywhere alone when I had 3 little ones. NEVER!
(Note the chair through the sliding glass door incident...(((sigh)))

Emily said...

Mom - you were a fantastic mom. You did everything you needed to do - the chair needed to go through the window - if it hadn't been the chair it may have been one of us.... see you did the right thing! :)

kara said...

who has a morning birthday party? it limits the alcoholic options.

Haley said...

i miss those target adventures.. : (

Good luck with the next couple weeks!!

froelica said...

Do you actually care about any of these people? I'm just asking because people tend to commit themselves to birthdays and goings-on that they REALLY don't care about, then have no choice but to fulfill their obligation. Thus, busy lives.

Emily said...

I think there was only 1 birthday that I could have avoided.... other than that I care deeply for all the people...