Oh my goodness. I've never finished a book so quickly. I started reading this book last Monday and finished it last night a little after nine. It was hard to put the book down. What an amazing story. If you haven't read the book yet - I strongly encourage it. I don't usually get into fantasy novels - but this book has changed my opinion.
Thank you mom for letting me borrow the book!
Now I need a new book - suggestions anyone?
I will definitely read it when I'm done with Wicked. Great book, just hard to find time to read it. I'm about 4/5 of the way through it, so I should be done soon.
Glad you liked the book!
I will take Wicked off your hands when you are done reading it and you can take The Awakeners. :)
I just finished another Sheri Tepper book called "Six Moon Dance", it was awesome.
Em, we should hit the library, without chillins', and get you Handmaid's Tale, one her best books ever.
(I am trying to type with one hand right now cause I'm holding sweet little Katy-did...)
I want to hold that little lady!!! :)
I am totally all for going to the library to get that book - I've seen the movie - I'm sure the book will be even better. When??? Huh huh??? I need a book asap!!!
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