So yesterday Jon and I both had dentist appointments. His was at 2pm and mine was at 3pm. The girls and I met Jon there to do the trade off while I had my teeth cleaned. Jon had just had 2 cavities filled and was a bit numb - he kissed me and I think only half of his mouth actually worked - it was pretty funny.
I only had one cavity - I was pretty surprised - it has been over 3 years since I had gone to the dentist. My cavitiy is in one of my wisdom teeth. You see - my wisdom teeth came in perfectly straight and I had a lot of room for them - however it's hard to clean them - and I am religious about cleaning my teeth - twice a day I brush, floss and gargle mouth wash - but I can't really reach back there to floss and the toothbrush it self barely fits... so after discussing my "issues" with the dentist he has reccomended that I just get them removed. So I am meeting with the oral surgeon tomorrow afternoon to discuss when they will be removed.... Am I strange to kind of want this? I've never been put to sleep and that fascinates me and everyone I know has had their wisdome teeth pulled - I'm one of those rare few that haven't gone through it - I'm kind of strangely excited. I know I'm weird.
em. im gonna be right there with you very soon! im terrified though.. have you seen that new movie thats coming out about the guy thats still awake during surgery and he can hear the doctors trying to kill him!? oh dear lord...
anyway.. my wisdom teeth are coming in now and they are starting to hurt.. ugh... : (
I could have gone without hearing that story - now I'm scared... what if the meds don't work and I am still awake... oh geeze - thanks Haley - nightmares! :) hehehe I have heard of people that are awake during their surgeries but can'ttell the doctor.... things much worse than just your teeth... like during plastic surgery or heart surgery... that would be so terrifying.
Trust me. The drugs are good. You won't have a clue what is going on.
All good.
And you'll get prescription pain killers. Too bad the perkies they gave me made me puke. Barf.
I was the same way about my wisdom teeth though. It was scary, but I was totally looking forward to having them out. It's amazing how much more room there is now.
Being put "under" is really cool. One minute you're awake, the next minute, you're awake and 30 minutes has passed. There's no memory of anything, not even falling asleep. It's sweet.
hehe - pain killers....
ugh, good luck with that
(this is me remembering my own experience with that surgery and shuddering for, like, a full minute)
thanks kara.
oh by the way... i cant chew fully on one side of my mouth. stupid teeth....
I don't want to terrify you, but the two days after were the most excruciating pain I have ever experienced.
You're welcome, guys :)
Yeah the going under isn't so scary, it's the after. My whole experience went great but when I took Giovanni to get his done in college it was another story... I had to witness him throwing up blood. Not a pretty sight.
Well since I know you have all been up sleepless at night wondering when I am getting this done.... well I'm not.... I've decided to just not worry about it. They aren't bothering me and it's so freakin' expensive that I've just decided to hold off until I NEED it. Anyway - thanks for all your advice or atleast for your scary ass stories - I guess I don't get to join the club yet. :)
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