Tuesday, November 07, 2006

It's Finally Happened!

What are we all going to do? It's so sad.... yes you know what I'm talking about.... it's probably the worst thing that could have happened to our nation.... Grab a tissue before you read further..... it's going to break your heart.........

Britney Spears and Kevin Federline (K Fed) are getting a divorce. Britney filed for a divorce this morning.... Blah blah blah blah blah!
Did anyone actually think these 2 would last? Duh! Seriously! Can you believe it's made news and I suppose what's worse is that I'm wasting my time writing about them in my blog... but I just had to share this heart breaking news to you all!!! I hope you all recover well! Take a minute or 2 - heck take the day off if necessary... just remember to breath! I'm here if you need me!


froelica said...

yeah I read that yesterday. I'm in total shock. I thought they were a perfect couple. Ew. Okay I'm lying, but they ARE both gross white trailer park trash. I'd be happiest if they both drove their trailer off a cliff. *tear*

Emily said...

Oh what an idea... I think I might be able to set that up.... all I will need is a trailer, a cliff, the two of them and an evil counter part... Ashley are you free for a little white trash rendezvous? OOOHHHH that would make some real news!!!

Amy said...
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Amy said...

Damn typos!

OK here's my post after editing:

I heard about that on Mark & Brian on my way into work yesterday and to say I was shocked is an overstatement. M&B were crushed of course, they were behind them as much as they were behind the marriage of Dennis Rodman and Carmern Electra... now that's saying something.

Entertainment Tonight did a big thing about it last night. My favorite part was that although they had a prenup it probably will not stand since the easiest way to break a prenup is to have kids. And once that is broken, spousal support is usually granted to the lower earning parent... which is obviously K-Fed but I hope for Brit's sake that the judge looks at the fact that he's a complete slug and already has two kids that he doesn't take care of.

Good for Britney for dumping his ass but I feel bad that she's going to have to give him a dime of the money that all those tweens and horny boys gave her (through record and concert sales of course). :)

froelica said...

Emily, you KNOW I'm always free for a white trash rendezvous. And thank you for spelling "rendezvous" correctly. Not only am I anal, but I speak French too. Bad combo here in America.

Sarah said...

Uh, I wasn't invited to the randayvoo.

froelica said...

I hereby invite Sarah to our murderous redneck shindig.

Emily said...

God I love my friends - you all never fail to make me laugh!

Thank you for another good one this afternoon!