Thursday, November 16, 2006

Windshield Wipers.......

Okay so I have to ask all you ladies out there... are your husbands/boyfriends/friends completely retarded when it comes to their wipers in the car? Jon thinks he is too cool (I am convinced) to use his wipers.... Like it makes him a stronger man when he just attempts to look through the wet glass.... It drives me absolutely insane. I have to ask him to turn them on - then once they are on - it's as though he doesn't know how to adjust them or even turn them off. It's rediculous! You should take a little drive in the country with him some time.... on a rainy day.... wait no better yet - how about a rainy night. The guy is not only wiperaphobic - he is also against his brights.... I kid you not.... he doesn't use his brights unless I remind him or tell him to. It's so awful riding with him. When we were first dating I was afraid to ask - and now I basically tell him if he doesn't I am going to drive....
I know that he isn't the only one because Angela and I were talking about it the other day and aparently Zack is the same way. I was just curious if any of the men in your life are like this? Are they too cool to use their wipers and brights too????
Oh men drive me nuts!!


froelica said...

No, not really. James, the big pansy that he is, is way too nervous of a guy to go without such safety measures. Good thing too, cause I'm way too nervous of a passenger not to club him in the ear for not using them.

Emily said...

Oh I club Jon daily, hourly, minutely (I know that's not a word - but it works)! I don't even have to be in the car with him to club him - sometimes I just have a little spasm and smack him upside the head!! :)

froelica said...

Its good for him. Keep him on his toes. Don't let him get too comfortable...