Friday, June 29, 2007
Holy crap! Molly is going to be 2 tomorrow! It doesn't seem like it's been 2 years since I had her. I can't believe it. 2 years ago today I was having one of the worst days of my life. I was laying in a hospital bed being induced - nothing was happening... I was very very scared about having a preemie - I didn't know what was going to happen. And now look at us - Molly is going to be 2!!! Crazy huh? God has truely blessed us!
Sunday, June 24, 2007

Jon and I fulfilled our civil/civic duties tonight. We were on our way home from McMinnville and as we were coming out of Yamhill we got behind a car that was going nearly 20 miles under the speed limit - at first it was just annoying and then it became scary. They would speed up to 55 and then slow way down to about 35 or less - they were flashing their high beams, turning off and on their lights and breaking suddenly. Finally we had enough. I called the police station (Washington County disbatchers). I was so nervous that it was a drunk driver or something and if it wasn't I wanted to teach them a lesson. So sure enough as we got on to Pacific Hwy going into Cornelius the disbatcher hooked us up with a cop car and had us follow behind the cop as it followed the other car - they did pull them over and we had to pull in behind the cop and just wait with our headlights out - I could just see us being shot.... luckily they were just college students on their way home from OSU and didn't know the road very well (at least that's what they told the cop) it still doesn't answer why they were playing with their lights. The cop joked with us that they were probably doing some "lovin'".... They may not have been drinking but I am glad we called.... it was a fun little adventure for Jon and I....
Anyway - that is our little story....
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Last night I got the worst news ever. My very good friend from college Melanie was driving to work yesterday morning and while she came around a corner she veered into the oncoming traffic and hit a semi head on. She and her unborn baby (21 weeks) died instantly. She was getting married next month and has left a lot of people hurting and asking why. Things like this just don't make sense to me. I don't know why bad things happen to good people. I will miss her tremendously. I can't express how many people she has touched and how many more will be touched by her story. She was a wonderful wonderful wonderful person.
I am writing through tears and I have to go before my kids realize I'm sobbing.
Please pray for her family - her moms name is Kathy and dad's name is Michael - she has a brother Seth and her fiance Arlan and all the many friends she had... has.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
I love her so much! Yes Amy that would be you I am talking about!!! Thank you so much for making my poodle skirt - I can't wait for tonight. Now to fill all of you in.... Our church is having a 50's dinner for all the Dads and their kids for Fathers Day. We are all supposed to come dressed in 50's gear - I however had absolutely nothing to wear - i happened to mention this to Amy on Sunday evening and she said that she could make me one. So that she did! :) She and her sister and her sisters kids came over (a little crazy in the kid department - but it was fun) and Amy made me THE cutest poodle skirt ever fashioned with a glittery poodle and all! It's absolutely wonderful! I can't wait to wear it tonight - I am going to win that stinkin' costume contest!!! :)
Thank you again Amy - you truely are the Best!!!
Monday, June 11, 2007
So for Mothers day my aunt bought all the ladies little herbs to plant. They were very cute - it came with a small teracotta (sp?) pot and the seeds and soil of course. I planted them finally a couple weeks ago and thought to myself - "what a waste - they are never going to grow - not with me as the grower". I was so wrong... I have little buds happening. I can't remember what herb I took home - it was either Thyme or Basil or something like that - but whatever it is is growing in my kitchen. I can't believe it! I have a green thumb after all.
Oh and on that same note - Saturday - Jon and I went to the Hillsboro Farmers Market and bought 2 hanging plants - they are gorgeous and still alive too!!! I'm a freakin' gardener - or atleast a freakin' waterer....
Anyway - must go clean my children!
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
So I know you are probably thinking - "Oh Jon and Emily are going on a date" - but you are so mistaken... I am taking Molly on a date tonight. We are going to go to dinner and then go over to my friends house for a little toy party. I don't get to be with just Molly very often. Usually if I take just one of the girls I take Charlotte because I nurse her - but tonight is my night with Molly. I am really looking forward to it. We will probably just go to a quick dinner - like Carl's Jr. or something - but we are going to go just the two of us and that's what's important. Anyway - it should be a fun little night! :) I just hope she is a perfect angel!
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Molly broke my glasses this morning - I just about lost it. I came downstairs from taking my showers and they they were in two pieces. I cried.... I am so bummed - I finally got them after seeing blurry and dealing with headaches for quite a while and then bam they are gone. I have the worst headache right now and I guarantee it's because of the lack of glasses. It makes me so sad and mad. Molly was so apologetic - she knew she wasn't supposed to touch them. I came down and saw them and just looked at her and said "Molly why did you break Molly's glasses?" She just started crying and saying "sorry" over and over again.
Now the thing to do is get them fixed or get new ones if they can't fix it. I don't know what to do... they weren't cheap!
Well that's all folks....
Oh and if you were wondering - "he can't see without his glasses" is from My Girl.... sweet movie - it had absolutely nothing to do with my little story - but I thought it fit - I can't see without mine... nor could he - although he was dead... I am not. Enough enough enough already!
Good night!