Jon and I fulfilled our civil/civic duties tonight. We were on our way home from McMinnville and as we were coming out of Yamhill we got behind a car that was going nearly 20 miles under the speed limit - at first it was just annoying and then it became scary. They would speed up to 55 and then slow way down to about 35 or less - they were flashing their high beams, turning off and on their lights and breaking suddenly. Finally we had enough. I called the police station (Washington County disbatchers). I was so nervous that it was a drunk driver or something and if it wasn't I wanted to teach them a lesson. So sure enough as we got on to Pacific Hwy going into Cornelius the disbatcher hooked us up with a cop car and had us follow behind the cop as it followed the other car - they did pull them over and we had to pull in behind the cop and just wait with our headlights out - I could just see us being shot.... luckily they were just college students on their way home from OSU and didn't know the road very well (at least that's what they told the cop) it still doesn't answer why they were playing with their lights. The cop joked with us that they were probably doing some "lovin'".... They may not have been drinking but I am glad we called.... it was a fun little adventure for Jon and I....
Anyway - that is our little story....
I love that I'm not the only one that calls the police because of suspicious drivers.
I've called quite a few times. Once because my mom and I were nearly hit by a woman flying out of the Minit Mart at 25th & Baseline. She was driving like a mad woman so I called the police. They nabbed her a few miles down the road... turns out she had attempted to rob the Minit Mart.
Gee, I love Hillsboro.
Hey.........they are OSU students. Give 'em a break.
Sounds like the Cop is a Beaver fan.
Go Beavs..........
the beasts. don't these kids know that roads aren't toys?
The cop totally was an OSU fan - he went there aparently. He told us that when he came back to our car. Jon was wearing his OSU shirt and he told Jon that if he ever pulled Jon over and he was wearing that shirt he wouldn't giv ehim a ticket... hahaha - very funny Mr. Cop!
Sounds like the DRIVER was the beaver fan....
That's what she said....
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