Thursday, June 14, 2007

Heaven has two new angels

Last night I got the worst news ever. My very good friend from college Melanie was driving to work yesterday morning and while she came around a corner she veered into the oncoming traffic and hit a semi head on. She and her unborn baby (21 weeks) died instantly. She was getting married next month and has left a lot of people hurting and asking why. Things like this just don't make sense to me. I don't know why bad things happen to good people. I will miss her tremendously. I can't express how many people she has touched and how many more will be touched by her story. She was a wonderful wonderful wonderful person.
I am writing through tears and I have to go before my kids realize I'm sobbing.
Please pray for her family - her moms name is Kathy and dad's name is Michael - she has a brother Seth and her fiance Arlan and all the many friends she had... has.


Amy said...

I am so sorry. If there is anything I can do just let me know. This includes babysitting your little ladies so you can have some time for yourself.

kara said...

How awful. Was she one of the girls in your wedding?

Emily said...

Amy - thank you for your offer - I will keep it in mind if needed. So far I am ok - I seem to just go ahead and burst into tears with them sitting right there - they just look at me confussed - but also like they know what's going on - it's kind of sweet.

Kara - no she wasn't in my wedding - she was there though.

Susie Q said...

Em, I'm so sorry! I can't really express how much. I love you, nuf said.

Sarah said...

I'm pretty sure you know how I feel about this whole situation. It's crazy to think how fast someone's life can just end. No warning or anything. It could happen to anyone at anytime. This is why we have to make sure to cherish every moment, even the hard ones.

Nicole said...

I am deeply sorry for your loss Emily....and I know how much it hurts. I recently lost a friend of mine in January in almost the same way you lost yours. As Sarah said, we have to cherish everything everyday because we will never know when it is our time. So with that said, I love you and am here if you need to talk no matter what!! Call me anytime!

Emily said...

Thank you all for your sweet words.