Recipe Swap
Okay - recently I sent an e-mail to swap some of your favorite recipes.... I want to do it on here too - give me your favorite, easy, non expensive, not hard to find ingredients for either dinner, appetizers or desserts!!!
I need some new ideas - do you?
Here is mine:
Onion Onion Chicken (delicious in your mouth)
2 chicken breasts
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1/2 can chicken broth
garlic salt to taste
1 onion (sliced to sautee)
1/2 stick of butter (or oil)
1/2 can French Friend Onions
1 cup uncooked rice (2 cups water)
1 can of corn
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place chicken breasts in pan, dump cream of mushroom soup and chicken broth over the top and sprinkle garlic to your liking. Bake for 1 hour. Meanwhile (about 20 minutes before chicken is done) sautee onions in butter or oil over medium heat and make rice. Start corn about 10 minutes before chicken is done. Also 10 minutes before chicken is done dump french friend onions over top and continue baking. Serves 2 big meals. Most delicious when each bite has a little (or a lot) of everything on it. I guarantee you you will like it - well maybe not you veggies out there - but you can probably use a Portabela (spelling?) mushroom in place of chicken.
Now get to posting your delicious goodnesses!
1 can of corn
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Sunday, September 23, 2007
I can't sleep!!!
Man I hate this.... it's freakin' 3:15am and I am wide freakin' awake. Normally I wouldn't care too much considering it's the weekend - however... tomorrow morning we have to be up and out of the house by 8am - all of us. We are doing the Race for the Cure tomorrow - as most of you know. I am very tired and wide awake at the same time. I tried going to bed around midnight with Jon and laid there tossing and turning - my mine just would not shut up. I decided to come downstairs about 30 minutes later. I popped on the internet and watched saturday night live - haven't seen that in a while - sadly it was the one with Britney Spears - kind of a bummer... anyway around 2 I turned off the tv deciding I would try to sleep on the couch - no luck... I just tossed and turned and again my mind just wouldn't shut up - it's exhausting being in my head... so I turned back on the tv and now am back on the computer. It's 3:20am now. I don't know what to do - at this point I almost wonder if it would be better to just not sleep at all now - I have to be up in 3 1/2 hours...... I'll let you know what I decide....
Man I hate this.... it's freakin' 3:15am and I am wide freakin' awake. Normally I wouldn't care too much considering it's the weekend - however... tomorrow morning we have to be up and out of the house by 8am - all of us. We are doing the Race for the Cure tomorrow - as most of you know. I am very tired and wide awake at the same time. I tried going to bed around midnight with Jon and laid there tossing and turning - my mine just would not shut up. I decided to come downstairs about 30 minutes later. I popped on the internet and watched saturday night live - haven't seen that in a while - sadly it was the one with Britney Spears - kind of a bummer... anyway around 2 I turned off the tv deciding I would try to sleep on the couch - no luck... I just tossed and turned and again my mind just wouldn't shut up - it's exhausting being in my head... so I turned back on the tv and now am back on the computer. It's 3:20am now. I don't know what to do - at this point I almost wonder if it would be better to just not sleep at all now - I have to be up in 3 1/2 hours...... I'll let you know what I decide....
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Doctor Confirmed It This Morning
Well Dr. Bennett called this morning and confirmed that I was in fact miscarrying. I strangely feel closure over all of this. I expected to be so upset - but I actually feel relieved that it's done. Don't get me wrong - I am still very sad that all of this happened to begin with - but knowing makes me feel better.
Thank you all for your love and support through all of this - it's been a very hard past few days. You are all wonderful!
When Jon and I are ready we will try again - it may be soon so don't be too surprised - this whole thing made us realize how much we want another baby and we got very excited about having it now and having them close together. We'll see - we may want to wait a while though too - we will let you know when we do get pregnant again - hopefully no more problems with the next one.
We love you all!
Well Dr. Bennett called this morning and confirmed that I was in fact miscarrying. I strangely feel closure over all of this. I expected to be so upset - but I actually feel relieved that it's done. Don't get me wrong - I am still very sad that all of this happened to begin with - but knowing makes me feel better.
Thank you all for your love and support through all of this - it's been a very hard past few days. You are all wonderful!
When Jon and I are ready we will try again - it may be soon so don't be too surprised - this whole thing made us realize how much we want another baby and we got very excited about having it now and having them close together. We'll see - we may want to wait a while though too - we will let you know when we do get pregnant again - hopefully no more problems with the next one.
We love you all!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
I don't like not knowing....
So Thursday morning was a normal morning, I was cleaning up the downstairs, I fixed Charlotte a bottle and got her upstairs for a nap. When I came downstairs I needed to pee, so I peed, there was a small amount of blood in my underwear. I of course freaked out. I told Molly "be good, Mommy has to go take a shower". I ran up the stairs, burst into tears and took a long shower, crying the entire time. Afterward I talked to Sarah and decided to call the doctor. The doctor reassured me that because I am so early it's probably just "implantation bleeding". This can be like a very very light period (sometimes mistaken for a period) and can even last for as long as a short period. Anyway other than that small amount of blood I didn't see anymore until today. I was going pee (and irronically talking to God about how thankful I was for this baby and how excited I was to be having it - even if it was unplanned) and when I wiped there was blood again. I have had a small amount of blood basically everytime I wipe now all day long. I don't know what is going on. I'm wearing a pad but there isn't anything but a small drop on it... Is this implantation bleeding? Is this the beginning of a miscarriage? What is going on? I'm so afraid to know. I did call the doctor again - because it's Saturday I am waiting for the oncall doc to call me back. I want him to say "don't worry - it sounds like it's just normal bleeding for this time in your pregnancy." I really don't want to even know if I'm losing this baby - I don't think I could handle it. I'm a mess needless to say. I just don't know......
Please keep me and the baby in your prayers - pray that the baby is fine, healthy and maturing normally.
So Thursday morning was a normal morning, I was cleaning up the downstairs, I fixed Charlotte a bottle and got her upstairs for a nap. When I came downstairs I needed to pee, so I peed, there was a small amount of blood in my underwear. I of course freaked out. I told Molly "be good, Mommy has to go take a shower". I ran up the stairs, burst into tears and took a long shower, crying the entire time. Afterward I talked to Sarah and decided to call the doctor. The doctor reassured me that because I am so early it's probably just "implantation bleeding". This can be like a very very light period (sometimes mistaken for a period) and can even last for as long as a short period. Anyway other than that small amount of blood I didn't see anymore until today. I was going pee (and irronically talking to God about how thankful I was for this baby and how excited I was to be having it - even if it was unplanned) and when I wiped there was blood again. I have had a small amount of blood basically everytime I wipe now all day long. I don't know what is going on. I'm wearing a pad but there isn't anything but a small drop on it... Is this implantation bleeding? Is this the beginning of a miscarriage? What is going on? I'm so afraid to know. I did call the doctor again - because it's Saturday I am waiting for the oncall doc to call me back. I want him to say "don't worry - it sounds like it's just normal bleeding for this time in your pregnancy." I really don't want to even know if I'm losing this baby - I don't think I could handle it. I'm a mess needless to say. I just don't know......
Please keep me and the baby in your prayers - pray that the baby is fine, healthy and maturing normally.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
And Baby Makes 5
Can you believe it??? I can't!!
Sunday morning Jon went off to church, the girls and I stayed home. All morning I was feeling a little sick... when Jon came home I said "I don't want to scare you, but I might be pregnant". You know how a woman just knows.... I did.... Jon went and bought a pregnancy test - I peed and showered and looked.... it was faint - but it was positive. We decided that I would take another test (one of the early detection tests) later that night or the next day.... when we got home from my parents house (our normal Sunday dinner gathering) I asked Jon if he wouldn't mind getting one tonight - I just needed to know.... He went to the store, I peed again, waited and looked... once again it was a faint positive.... I waited a couple days and took another... once again I peed, waited and looked.. this time it was a more distictive positive... so guess what.... I'm pregnant!!! We decided to tell people early so they could digest the information - since I know it's kind of scary....
We are excited though. It isn't like we planned it but we also weren't done having kids so this is exciting... God obviously had other plans for us!
Anyway - there you have it - baby number 3 on the way!
Can you believe it??? I can't!!
Sunday morning Jon went off to church, the girls and I stayed home. All morning I was feeling a little sick... when Jon came home I said "I don't want to scare you, but I might be pregnant". You know how a woman just knows.... I did.... Jon went and bought a pregnancy test - I peed and showered and looked.... it was faint - but it was positive. We decided that I would take another test (one of the early detection tests) later that night or the next day.... when we got home from my parents house (our normal Sunday dinner gathering) I asked Jon if he wouldn't mind getting one tonight - I just needed to know.... He went to the store, I peed again, waited and looked... once again it was a faint positive.... I waited a couple days and took another... once again I peed, waited and looked.. this time it was a more distictive positive... so guess what.... I'm pregnant!!! We decided to tell people early so they could digest the information - since I know it's kind of scary....
We are excited though. It isn't like we planned it but we also weren't done having kids so this is exciting... God obviously had other plans for us!
Anyway - there you have it - baby number 3 on the way!
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Finally... my top 5 Desert Island Flicks
1. The Rock
If you know me - you know my obsession with Nicholas Cage - there isn't a good reason for it - but I do love him in some strange unattractive way - not only am I strangely obsessed wih Nick but I also love shoot um up kill um movies.... they make me happy.... Anyway - I love that movie - good action flick and just a good time-killer.
2. The Notebook
I know I know - most of you will point and laugh at me... however I just love this movie. It's a total chick flick and I'm totally in love with the whole idea of falling so in love with someone that your souls can't help but die together. It's a beautiful, sad and loving story.
3. Knocked Up
I've only seen it once - but I can tell that it is one of those movies that will make me laugh over and over again. It was brilliant! Of course I will need something funny - this one will do it!
4. Best Little Whore House in Texas
Come on.... Dolly Parton, Sweet Candy Mountain..... no more words needed.... Mom you understand right?
There... they are done.... a little bit of everything. I have a shoot um up and kill um, a chick flick, a comedy, a musical and a scary suspensful flick.
If you know me - you know my obsession with Nicholas Cage - there isn't a good reason for it - but I do love him in some strange unattractive way - not only am I strangely obsessed wih Nick but I also love shoot um up kill um movies.... they make me happy.... Anyway - I love that movie - good action flick and just a good time-killer.
I know I know - most of you will point and laugh at me... however I just love this movie. It's a total chick flick and I'm totally in love with the whole idea of falling so in love with someone that your souls can't help but die together. It's a beautiful, sad and loving story.
I've only seen it once - but I can tell that it is one of those movies that will make me laugh over and over again. It was brilliant! Of course I will need something funny - this one will do it!
Come on.... Dolly Parton, Sweet Candy Mountain..... no more words needed.... Mom you understand right?
I know kind of thrown out of left field - but I love this movie... I actually just bought it and watched it again - it's such a good thriller. It makes my heart race each and every time I watch it....
There... they are done.... a little bit of everything. I have a shoot um up and kill um, a chick flick, a comedy, a musical and a scary suspensful flick.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Thank God we made it home safely and in one piece. We had a really good time but we had bears on our mind the entire time. One of the biggest rules was that you were not to surprise a bear - you should always make noise - so we walked around camp saying "Hey Bear" pretty much all day - it became a joke - but can you imagine if we had actually seen a bear... it wouldn't have been so funny. So the rules are as follows:
Do not surprise bears - make noise.
Do not leave food out - only when preparing or eating - all food should be stored in bear safe containers - coolers don't count because bears know what coolers are.
Food should be covered even in a car - thousands of dollars of damage every year are due to bears breaking into cars to get food.
Do not leave food in your tent at any time (remember that little boy that had his face eaten off because he had hid candy bars under his pillow?)
If you are to see a bear stand still, make noise and make yourself look big - if the bears approaches make lots of noise and walk away - do not run. If a bear attacks you kick and scream and fight for your life....
Sounds like fun huh?
We didn't see any bears though so I couldn't practice my kicking and screaming... bummer huh?
My friend Jessi wanted to see a bear so bad - she was very disappointed that there weren't any around... however 1/4 mile away at the next camp site there were bear sightings - 2 of them - a mom and a cub.... even more dangerous!
So other than saying "Hey Bear" all weekend we walked on trails, fished, went hiking on an Obsidian Mountain - it was so amazing, we walked to a waterfall and everyone swam (I didn't - I didn't bring enough clothes - but everyone else did), a bunch of them went kayaking, we went bike riding and of course ate and drank a lot.... we had a great weekend. This was all without the girls too. Sharon and Danny (Jon's parents) took the girls for 2 nights. It was so nice. I missed them like crazy though. The weekend before they had them too for our anniversary - so it was a little too much... but it was still fun and I'm glad we went. It's always nice to relax and hangout with friends.
Oh and if you didn't know - we were camping at Paulina Lake - it's like 20 minutes from La Pine Oregon and about 40 minutes from Bend..... kind of hidden up in the hills - it was beautiful. However to get there we had to drive through a wild fire - ok... maybe not through a wild fire - but
we could see it from the road - it was pretty surreal - the sky was glowing this weird orange color and was full of smoke - it made it hard to see. It blew my mind that we were allowed to have a camp fire - the fire danger level was at EXTREME - but we had a camp fire every night and it was huge... the boys brought basically a whole tree to burn and they had decided they didn't want to come home with any left over wood....
Thank God we made it out of there safely - what with the bears, fire, and not to mention the longest car ride of our lives... it took us over 4 hours to get there - but here we are - safe and sound and finally bathed!!! I forgot to mention there were no showers.... it was sick! I was beginning to stink.
Anyway - that is all for now... I'm going to get back to watching Big Brother....
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