If you know me - you know my obsession with Nicholas Cage - there isn't a good reason for it - but I do love him in some strange unattractive way - not only am I strangely obsessed wih Nick but I also love shoot um up kill um movies.... they make me happy.... Anyway - I love that movie - good action flick and just a good time-killer.
I know I know - most of you will point and laugh at me... however I just love this movie. It's a total chick flick and I'm totally in love with the whole idea of falling so in love with someone that your souls can't help but die together. It's a beautiful, sad and loving story.
I've only seen it once - but I can tell that it is one of those movies that will make me laugh over and over again. It was brilliant! Of course I will need something funny - this one will do it!
Come on.... Dolly Parton, Sweet Candy Mountain..... no more words needed.... Mom you understand right?
I know kind of thrown out of left field - but I love this movie... I actually just bought it and watched it again - it's such a good thriller. It makes my heart race each and every time I watch it....
There... they are done.... a little bit of everything. I have a shoot um up and kill um, a chick flick, a comedy, a musical and a scary suspensful flick.
I can't believe one of the movies you'd take to a rock in the middle of a huge body of water is about some guys on a rock in the middle of a huge body of water.
Well I LOVE The Notebook!!! Seriously BEST chick flick ever created! Also love best little whore house in texas, just haven't seen it in a while. Which has gotta change. I also do love Knocked up, also gotta see again. But good choices!
I like the variety. One needs variety on a desert island. Even paradise can get monotonous.
Interesting, Kara...
I too have seen The Rock more times than one should. And I really like Nick Cage, but ONLY in his artsy fartsy movies like Adaptation and The Weatherman. Lord of War was pretty good too. OOH and I LOVE Honeymoon in Vegas for some weird reason.
Knocked Up- An instant classic.
Never seen Whorehouse. James likes it. I make fun of him, thusly.
Am I the only girl in the world that is emotionally immune to romance-chick-flicks? I think
I might be... Although I DO like Jane Austen's stuff... I'm not a TOTAL robot. But tears do make me short-circuit. Hmm...
Oh and Seven is great too. Surprising choice, Emily...
Well said Kara....
"I'm gonna take pleasure in guttin' you boy"!
Kara - well stated - however they get off the island.... apparently all I need to do is bomb a bunch of crap and planes will come a flyin...
Froe - you are not the only one without emotion - Sarah actually laughed through the whole movie - she said she liked it but would probably never watch it again - she didn't feel the connection... sad little lady!
Haley - I knew you would like my choices... you and I have very similar taste. :)
Froe - you need to see Best Little Whore House In Texas - it's one of those movies that everyone should see atleast 15 times so they can sing along to all the Dolly Parton songs... it's a brilliant movie! I too love all the artsy fartsy Nick movies - however I seem to be drawn to his crap movies too... Gone in 60 Seconds is in my VCR upstairs right now.... I know I'm a nut bag! You know who else I seem to always be drawn to? Bruce Willis....
Dad - "I'd take pleasure in guttin' you boy" - hehehe good line! :)
Best Little Whore House in Texas... pure cinematic perfection, in my humble opinion. I love Dolly, love the 'hoes and am struck weak from the fabulous music.
I will... nay...I MUST see this on stage! Can you imagine "I Will Always Love You" sung live in a musical? I get teary just thinking about it...
Em, I promise to take you, Sarah and Hopper if it comes to town! K?
Oh and I wanna borrow Seven, used to own it but it's been lost in the shuffle. (What in tarnation does that mean?)
Em, I applaud your choices, well done!
THE best part of that movie is seeing ol' Gwen-Gwen's head in a box. I don't hate her... I actually like her in some things. Its just very gratifying to see :)
(I'm sick)
I love the Notebook! It is my alltime favorites besides GREASE! :)
Ooh Grease - yes that is a wonderful classic!
You may borrow Seven anytime you'd like mom. I will try to remember to bring it with me on Sunday or the next time I see you...
Also Mom I hold you to the promise of taking me and the sista's.... :)
HATED the Notebook. All others are acceptable.
I love BLWIT. (That would be the one about the tramps) "I'll be just fine....and Dandy...Lord it's like a Hard Candy Christmas. I'm barely gettin' through tomorrow. But still I won't let sorrow bring me way down" *fence hop thingy*
Knocked Up was fabulous too. So much of that movie was accurate, too accurate.
So true Sarah!!!
Oh my gosh.... I just read what I wrote on my actual blog... I'm an idiot - I said it was Sweet Candy Mountain.... it's Hard Candy Christmas - what the hell went through my head - I've seen, heard and sang that song about 5000 times... duh!!! Thank you Sarah for getting it right!!!
And you can see how closely I'm reading your blog. I didn't even notice until you pointed it out. :)
Damn.... why did I feel the need to point it out... now you see how stupid my brain is!!! :)
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