Saturday, January 13, 2007

So for any of you out there wishing you had kids or wanting to get pregnant.... I just have a little story for you! So last night we were at Sarah and Josh's house for Amy's birthday party (a surprise sort of) with the kids but Jon and I had to come seperately because Molly was still sleeping and we were already running late. So, Charlotte and I drove over with all the food and stuff and Jon came later with the sleepy Molly. Aparently she woke only about 5 minutes after I left because Jon arrived shortly after I did. Anyway - so the evening started out with a bang - no literally a bang.... Molly fell into the dog's water dish spilling it over the entire kitchen and even into the living room - thank god they have wood floors..... So after standing over Sarah while she cleaned up we were off... Molly minus pants and socks and shoes because they all got soaked and I forgot to bring a second pair of clothes or their pj's - but we figured with the onesie and a sweatshirt - our ride home shouldn't be too bad..... So the party begun - Amy was "surprised" to see us, we ate lots of yummy food and played a rousing game of pictionary. Jon and I had to switch off who was holding Charlotte because she wanted to be held - but you can't draw and hold a baby at the same time - so the switching off happened during the game. Molly continued to scare pour little Ella the entire night - she wanted to play but Eloise did not! So twice during the game of pictionary Molly locked herself in the bathroom downstairs (not sure how the door continued being opened but it was). Once she locked herself and Eloise in the bathroom - I didn't hear either of the girls and couldn't see them - then quitely from a distance I heard some crying... sure enough there they were in the bathroom, lights out and all alone. We really are good parents - but if you judged it on last nights events you would assume we neglect our children like crazy - I swear we don't!!!!! So the evening went on and other than some whining here and there it was going splended. It was pretty late but we wanted to play one more game of pictionary before we left. We were only about 4 drawings into it when MOLLY HAPPENED AGAIN! This time she decided to try some wine. Amy had put her wine (out of reach) on the CD cases and Molly decided she was thirsty apparently. Down came the wine - all over Molly and all over the hard wood floors. Molly inhaled about half the cup and was crying after catching her breath. She had wine in her hair, up her nose, in her eyes and down her throat! So after cleaning up Molly, and a group cleaning up the floor we were back to the game - Molly now running about in just her diaper (White trash?).
Considering the temperature was about 24 degrees outside - Jon decided to start the car while we packed up our crap! After about 20 minutes of getting the girls bundled up and gathering up the Powell mess - we took off in our seperate cars to come home. Charlotte passed out before we left the neighborhood but Molly stayed awake and wanted me to hold her foot the whole way home - which was fine with me because it was bare and so cute!!! :) We got home and Charlotte was still sleeping and as Jon put Molly in some pjs I fixed a bottle for her and she went down for bed - this is about 11:00pm or so. She fell right to sleep and I got myself ready for bed, Jon popped in a movie downstairs, Charlotte woke I fed her and we were off to bed.... it was about midnight when I finally went upstairs. Jon wasn't really tired so he watched his movie and came to bed about an hour and a half later..... At about 2am Molly wakes screaming and Charlotte wanted to eat - Jon got up with Molly - got her a new bottle and changed her diaper laid her down and she was quite for about 20 minutes and then back to screaming. Jon went in and plugged her - she was then quite for about an hour, then back to crying again. Jon went in to make sure she was ok and replugged her and laid her back down and left the room - she was still crying - after about 10 minutes of that Jon gave up and brought her downstairs - she wanted nothing to do with that.... Jon laid her back down and came to bed. she was quite again for about an hour and then it began again - finally around 4:30am Jon gave up and brought her downstairs where she too gave up and finally fell asleep. I don't know when or how but aparently she somehow got out of Jons arms while they were sleeping on the couch and got into the bathroom downstairs and decided to shred toilet paper all over the living room and remove some of Mommy's personal items... NICE! So after Charlotte and I came downstairs - cleaned up and made some coffee I realized Charlotte was poopy.... Poopy isn't really the word for it.... she was covered in poop! She had it from her neck down and all over her arms and even a bit in her armpits - it was lovley! I stripped her down and Jon gave her a bath while I started some laundry - you can't let the poop sit - it solidifies and becomes a stain! It is now 9:40am and I am just now having my cup of coffee and in about 10 minutes I have to go do bills, take a shower and then head over to my inlaws where I am going to help clean and "decorate" for a "wedding"! Oh isn't my life fantastic!
So after hearing all our fun if you still want a baby go for it - but this is what you have to look forward to!!!
That is all! Have a good morning/afternoon/evening (whatever time it is when you read this)! Hopefully no more FUN happens for us today! I don't know that I can take more! :)


kara said...

In honor of this story, I went out and had a "Thank Jebus I'm Barren" night of dancing at a club Saturday night. It was entirely lacking in poop. It was glorious.

Emily said...

Oh how wonderful! A night with no poop.... someday, someday!

Yeah right.... by the time I'm done with these 2 poopers I will have more... but that's the reality of wanting 4 children!

Sarah said...

It's somehow so much funnier when it happens to someone else. Remember the meatball incident? And the lasagna poop?

Emily said...

I don't remember the meatballs - refresh my memory.... but the lasagna poop has stayed with me forever! I will never forget that..... Note to self: Don't feed baby lasagna! :)

Emily said...

Sorry that totally just reminded me of "You fed the baby chili?"