Saturday, December 22, 2007

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Monday, November 05, 2007

Thursday, October 25, 2007

So finally I went to the doctor about the whole Insomnia bull crap. She thinks I'm anxious/depressed and restless. So I've been put on this stuff for all three - I am supposed to take one to two pills a night before bed - if after a couple weeks I'm not noticing a change she wants to put me on Prozac... yikes - Prozac - that kind of freaks me out a bit. The side effects to this one drug are hilarious - I read them to Jon and after reading the "novel" to him he said "yeah but you'll sleep better". Let me list a few of them.... excess sweating, nausea, weakness, weight gain, increased appetite especially for sweets, eye pain, hair loss, twitching of the face or tongue, uncontrolled movements of the arms and legs, difficulty speaking or swallowing, unusual bleeding or bruising, seizures.... the list goes on and just continues to worsen.... basically I get to become a possible nutcase twitching and what not but I might be able to get a night of sleep.... The doctor assured me that MOST people do not experience any of the side effects at all - but that there are a few that do.... am I one of the few that do or am I gonna be lumped into the MOST catagory.... I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Last night I took the pill - I started with just one and I still had a bit of trouble getting to sleep - I took it at 9:30pm and I didn't fall asleep until after midnight.... I also woke up about 10 times - thanks to the girls - they just didn't want to sleep last night. So we'll try it again tonight and see how it does....
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
I made the mistake of taking two whiny kids to Target and expected it to be a somewhat decent experience... HA! I've never experienced such awfulness (new word). The entire trip consisted of one or both of my girls crying or whining over something. It was rediculous. I am upstairs right now calming down after dinner because it's just been ONE OF THOSE DAYS.... It all started with an early wake up - both girls crying and really not ready to be up - then they continued to whine until after lunch when I laid them down for a nap. Charlotte took a pathetic excuse for a nap and woke up crying and whining until Molly woke up crying and whining. Then I made the huge mistake of taking them to Target with Sarah and her 3 kids.... can you say duh? Guess what they did there? Oh you guessed right - whined.... cried.... yelled.... cried some more..... I was so anxious by the time I left that I nearly broke into tears when I got in the car.... Luckily Jon was home when I got home and took the girls upstairs while I made a quick dinner (soft tacos). We ate dinner and Jon sent me away - he said - "go upstairs and relax- take the laptop and your book and go" - he wouldn't even let me help him with giving them a bath. Angela called me just as I sat down - with some irritating news - not on her behalf but just more DRAMA from a psycho lady we used to go to church with (you all know who I'm talking about). I don't even want to go into it - just basically more crap from a lady full of crap..... So now I am blogging.... I plan on reading a book for a little while and then going back down to deal with the babes. Thank God I have such a great husband! :)
I just hope tomorrow is a little less awful..... I just need a good night sleep.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
So one of my old neighbors (Rachel and Brennan) just announced that they are pregnant and due mid April - I would have been a few weeks behind them.... is it bad of me to be jealous and a little bitter about their good news? It's funny because every day that goes by since I lost the baby I've kind of gotten more and more into the mind set of waiting for a while before we have another - but hearing their news just made me sad, jealous, bitter and of course a bit envious.... I guess I will probably have emotions like this for a while. I'm not angry with them for being pregnant of course - just angry that I'm not I guess....
Anyway - that was my little rant for today.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Okay - recently I sent an e-mail to swap some of your favorite recipes.... I want to do it on here too - give me your favorite, easy, non expensive, not hard to find ingredients for either dinner, appetizers or desserts!!!
I need some new ideas - do you?
Here is mine:
Onion Onion Chicken (delicious in your mouth)
2 chicken breasts
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1/2 can chicken broth
garlic salt to taste
1 onion (sliced to sautee)
1/2 stick of butter (or oil)
1/2 can French Friend Onions
1 cup uncooked rice (2 cups water)
1 can of corn
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place chicken breasts in pan, dump cream of mushroom soup and chicken broth over the top and sprinkle garlic to your liking. Bake for 1 hour. Meanwhile (about 20 minutes before chicken is done) sautee onions in butter or oil over medium heat and make rice. Start corn about 10 minutes before chicken is done. Also 10 minutes before chicken is done dump french friend onions over top and continue baking. Serves 2 big meals. Most delicious when each bite has a little (or a lot) of everything on it. I guarantee you you will like it - well maybe not you veggies out there - but you can probably use a Portabela (spelling?) mushroom in place of chicken.
Now get to posting your delicious goodnesses!
1 can of corn
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Man I hate this.... it's freakin' 3:15am and I am wide freakin' awake. Normally I wouldn't care too much considering it's the weekend - however... tomorrow morning we have to be up and out of the house by 8am - all of us. We are doing the Race for the Cure tomorrow - as most of you know. I am very tired and wide awake at the same time. I tried going to bed around midnight with Jon and laid there tossing and turning - my mine just would not shut up. I decided to come downstairs about 30 minutes later. I popped on the internet and watched saturday night live - haven't seen that in a while - sadly it was the one with Britney Spears - kind of a bummer... anyway around 2 I turned off the tv deciding I would try to sleep on the couch - no luck... I just tossed and turned and again my mind just wouldn't shut up - it's exhausting being in my head... so I turned back on the tv and now am back on the computer. It's 3:20am now. I don't know what to do - at this point I almost wonder if it would be better to just not sleep at all now - I have to be up in 3 1/2 hours...... I'll let you know what I decide....
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Well Dr. Bennett called this morning and confirmed that I was in fact miscarrying. I strangely feel closure over all of this. I expected to be so upset - but I actually feel relieved that it's done. Don't get me wrong - I am still very sad that all of this happened to begin with - but knowing makes me feel better.
Thank you all for your love and support through all of this - it's been a very hard past few days. You are all wonderful!
When Jon and I are ready we will try again - it may be soon so don't be too surprised - this whole thing made us realize how much we want another baby and we got very excited about having it now and having them close together. We'll see - we may want to wait a while though too - we will let you know when we do get pregnant again - hopefully no more problems with the next one.
We love you all!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
So Thursday morning was a normal morning, I was cleaning up the downstairs, I fixed Charlotte a bottle and got her upstairs for a nap. When I came downstairs I needed to pee, so I peed, there was a small amount of blood in my underwear. I of course freaked out. I told Molly "be good, Mommy has to go take a shower". I ran up the stairs, burst into tears and took a long shower, crying the entire time. Afterward I talked to Sarah and decided to call the doctor. The doctor reassured me that because I am so early it's probably just "implantation bleeding". This can be like a very very light period (sometimes mistaken for a period) and can even last for as long as a short period. Anyway other than that small amount of blood I didn't see anymore until today. I was going pee (and irronically talking to God about how thankful I was for this baby and how excited I was to be having it - even if it was unplanned) and when I wiped there was blood again. I have had a small amount of blood basically everytime I wipe now all day long. I don't know what is going on. I'm wearing a pad but there isn't anything but a small drop on it... Is this implantation bleeding? Is this the beginning of a miscarriage? What is going on? I'm so afraid to know. I did call the doctor again - because it's Saturday I am waiting for the oncall doc to call me back. I want him to say "don't worry - it sounds like it's just normal bleeding for this time in your pregnancy." I really don't want to even know if I'm losing this baby - I don't think I could handle it. I'm a mess needless to say. I just don't know......
Please keep me and the baby in your prayers - pray that the baby is fine, healthy and maturing normally.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Can you believe it??? I can't!!
Sunday morning Jon went off to church, the girls and I stayed home. All morning I was feeling a little sick... when Jon came home I said "I don't want to scare you, but I might be pregnant". You know how a woman just knows.... I did.... Jon went and bought a pregnancy test - I peed and showered and looked.... it was faint - but it was positive. We decided that I would take another test (one of the early detection tests) later that night or the next day.... when we got home from my parents house (our normal Sunday dinner gathering) I asked Jon if he wouldn't mind getting one tonight - I just needed to know.... He went to the store, I peed again, waited and looked... once again it was a faint positive.... I waited a couple days and took another... once again I peed, waited and looked.. this time it was a more distictive positive... so guess what.... I'm pregnant!!! We decided to tell people early so they could digest the information - since I know it's kind of scary....
We are excited though. It isn't like we planned it but we also weren't done having kids so this is exciting... God obviously had other plans for us!
Anyway - there you have it - baby number 3 on the way!
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
If you know me - you know my obsession with Nicholas Cage - there isn't a good reason for it - but I do love him in some strange unattractive way - not only am I strangely obsessed wih Nick but I also love shoot um up kill um movies.... they make me happy.... Anyway - I love that movie - good action flick and just a good time-killer.
I know I know - most of you will point and laugh at me... however I just love this movie. It's a total chick flick and I'm totally in love with the whole idea of falling so in love with someone that your souls can't help but die together. It's a beautiful, sad and loving story.
I've only seen it once - but I can tell that it is one of those movies that will make me laugh over and over again. It was brilliant! Of course I will need something funny - this one will do it!
Come on.... Dolly Parton, Sweet Candy Mountain..... no more words needed.... Mom you understand right?
There... they are done.... a little bit of everything. I have a shoot um up and kill um, a chick flick, a comedy, a musical and a scary suspensful flick.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Meet our new van.... we have not named him/her yet. I think I need to know her personality better before I give her a name.
Our Dodge Grande Caravan just gave up living - it kind of decided to slowly give up and we decided we didn't want to deal with it anymore... so hence the new more reliable minivan! It's so much more hip than the Dodge - we already love her and she's only been in our family for about an hour and a half! :) The girls love her too. Lots of neat little features and the price was perfect!
Anyway - that's our new baby - I will let you know when we decide on a name - we are convinced that once you name a car it will treat you better - we never named the Dodge - we just called it the minivan - maybe that's why it decided to no longer want to live anymore.... never will know for sure.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Jon and I had THE BEST time ever last night. Thank you Mirrors! It was awesome! I was so proud of my brother. James you were absolutely fantastic.
So originally we were just going to have Sarah watch the kids while Jon and I went to the show, then we decided to see if Sharon (Jon's mom) wouldn't mind watching one of the girls so Sarah didn't have to do it all... she ended up asking if she could take both girls over night - we didn't hesitate for one second and said yes... So she picked up the girls around 5:15ish and we were free for the rest of the night. Jon went and had the car cleaned while I got ready. We left for dinner around 6:30 - we went to Old Spaghetti Factory - had a yummy dinner and drinks and realized we still had a ton of time to kill before we were picking up Angela - so we decided to get Cold Stone and walk around a park - which was freakin' hilarious - we ended up sitting on a bench eating our ice cream and the next thing we know all the geese are starting to get up and out of the water and walking toward us - we turned around and a sworm of white geese were parading behind us - we were convinced they were out to get us... so funny... we ended up leaving because we were a bit afeared of the geese. We picked up Angela and went to the Ash Street Salloon - we got there a bit early and decided to walk over to Kells and have a drink - it was nice - there was a little Irish band playing.... Around 9:30 we headed back to Ash Street and met up with a few of our other friends - Jessi, Mike and Jacob. We headed in, grabbed a table and some drinks and a bit later the most awesome band started.... Mirrors! Seriously awesome - I wish they had played 15 more songs - I was really sad when they were done. The next band was LAME and sadly most of the people kind of left - so we did too... we didn't leave the bar, just that room - we ended up outside where we continued drinking until we were silly - it was great! I had a wonderful time - I haven't had that much fun in a long time. It was so nice to be with my friends and it was awesome to see all of James' friends that I hadn't seen in a while - they are like extended family! :) Around 1:30am we decided it was best to go ahead and head out since Angela had to work this morning.... hope she's doing ok!
The girls came home around 10 this morning and they both did fantastic. Molly woke up once and Charlotte woke up twice - I can't even believe it - that's less than for us!
Now Charlotte is down for a nap and Molly is playing and watching The Little Mermaid - I'm gonna jump in the shower soon and then we might head over to see the airshow today instead of tomorrow - depending on how we feel when Charlie wakes up....
Anyway - last night was awesome and I can't wait until our next adventure! James you guys have to have another show soon! If you don't get signed I'd be surprised.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
It's been kind of crazy busy lately. My cousin Mary was in town from Colorado and we had a packed schedule so today is actually the first day I've been on the internet with a few minutes to spare.
Mary flew in on Tuesday the 31st and left tuesday the 7th - it was a great visit - but very busy and very expensive....
Tuesday we picked her up at the airport and then we all met up at my parents house in the evening for dinner and a little get together with the whole fam.
Wednesday we started early and went to OMSI to see the Body Worlds exhibit - it was amazing - see Sarah's blog for details - I think the best part of the whole day was that Jon had the girls all day. After OMSI we went to lunch.
Thursday we went to the new Ikea which was great because once again I didn't have the girls - Jon took 3 days off so I could really spend some time with Mary - which was still not enough.... Anyway - Ikea was great. I could really see myself going bankrupt there.... hence the reason I had a $20 limit.
Friday we (Jon, the girls and I) went to the zoo - I mean since Jon did have 3 days off I wanted to spend some good time with him and the girls too..... the zoo was fantastic! We really had a good time and Molly is really finally at the age where she can enjoy the animals - Charlotte isn't quite there yet - but she had a good time too. Later that evening we all met at McMinnamens Grand Lodge and had a nice time outside eating our variety of dinners (Jon and I picked up Taco Bell on the way over and the rest ate there). We were going to play frisbee golf - but there were numerous weddings happening in the grass - so we just enjoyed each others company.
Saturday we met downtown Hillsboro for the Guinness Book of World Record thing. Right after we were done - we picked up some lunch and went home to eat and put the girls down for a nap. I left very soon after for Sarah's baby shower - which was awesome - it went without a hitch. She and Kate got a lot of nice gifts and I think everyone enjoyed themselves. I can't wait for Baby Kate to come - I'm ready - even if they aren't!!!
Sunday we had our normal church and lunch stuff going on and then later that evening we all met at Juan Colorados for dinner - thank you again Sarah and Josh- you guys are awesome! :) Afterward we went over to my parents for a little old family video viewing - however my girls did not cooperate so I went home and let them actually enjoy themselves.
Monday the plan was to go downtown Portland and shop around - I really should have just not even bothered.... it was a nightmare - We got downtown around 1:15pm and I was back in the car around 2:15pm with just my girls because they were so awful I had to just leave before I broke down.... it was miserable. Molly wanted to walk, Charlotte wanted to be held and I still had the double stroller to push too - and we were in Pioneer Place which has escalators at every corner....It was awful and not safe- just typing about it makes me want to puke a litle bit. So sadly I left the mall and didn't even say goodbye to Mary - I wasn't thinking straight.
Tuesday I had a doctors appointment in the morning which didn't allow me to go to the airport to say goodbye to Mary. I hope she made it out safely. It was so nice to have her around.
Crazy week huh?
Already this week I've had 2 doctors appointments (one for myself and one for Molly), I've signed papers for a refinance on the house, Jon has been out each night - Monday he was working on his sermon (he is preaching this Sunday), Tuesday he had a double header with his softball team, Wednesday he had youth group, tonight I have singing practice and tomorrow we are going to James' show. Saturday I have to have blood work done, Sunday Jon is preaching (as I said before) and then we are going to go watch the airshow in a field/park near the airport. 'Tis life.... busy but wonderful! One of these days I will just say NO and not leave the house.... right....
Anyway - this might be a boring blog for most of you - but that's all I wanted to talk about today... me me me! :)
Friday, July 20, 2007
Could this be any cuter? This was on 4th of July at Angela and Zack's house. Molly played in the pool almost the entire day - where as Charlotte and Morgen basically put their feet in - we took this picture and then they got out..... I don't think they appreciate the coolness of a pool yet.

Tee Hee - look at those chunky legs.... isn't she a sweetheart!???
That's it - that's all I wanted to say - cute kids huh?
Friday, June 29, 2007
Holy crap! Molly is going to be 2 tomorrow! It doesn't seem like it's been 2 years since I had her. I can't believe it. 2 years ago today I was having one of the worst days of my life. I was laying in a hospital bed being induced - nothing was happening... I was very very scared about having a preemie - I didn't know what was going to happen. And now look at us - Molly is going to be 2!!! Crazy huh? God has truely blessed us!
Sunday, June 24, 2007

Jon and I fulfilled our civil/civic duties tonight. We were on our way home from McMinnville and as we were coming out of Yamhill we got behind a car that was going nearly 20 miles under the speed limit - at first it was just annoying and then it became scary. They would speed up to 55 and then slow way down to about 35 or less - they were flashing their high beams, turning off and on their lights and breaking suddenly. Finally we had enough. I called the police station (Washington County disbatchers). I was so nervous that it was a drunk driver or something and if it wasn't I wanted to teach them a lesson. So sure enough as we got on to Pacific Hwy going into Cornelius the disbatcher hooked us up with a cop car and had us follow behind the cop as it followed the other car - they did pull them over and we had to pull in behind the cop and just wait with our headlights out - I could just see us being shot.... luckily they were just college students on their way home from OSU and didn't know the road very well (at least that's what they told the cop) it still doesn't answer why they were playing with their lights. The cop joked with us that they were probably doing some "lovin'".... They may not have been drinking but I am glad we called.... it was a fun little adventure for Jon and I....
Anyway - that is our little story....
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Last night I got the worst news ever. My very good friend from college Melanie was driving to work yesterday morning and while she came around a corner she veered into the oncoming traffic and hit a semi head on. She and her unborn baby (21 weeks) died instantly. She was getting married next month and has left a lot of people hurting and asking why. Things like this just don't make sense to me. I don't know why bad things happen to good people. I will miss her tremendously. I can't express how many people she has touched and how many more will be touched by her story. She was a wonderful wonderful wonderful person.
I am writing through tears and I have to go before my kids realize I'm sobbing.
Please pray for her family - her moms name is Kathy and dad's name is Michael - she has a brother Seth and her fiance Arlan and all the many friends she had... has.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
I love her so much! Yes Amy that would be you I am talking about!!! Thank you so much for making my poodle skirt - I can't wait for tonight. Now to fill all of you in.... Our church is having a 50's dinner for all the Dads and their kids for Fathers Day. We are all supposed to come dressed in 50's gear - I however had absolutely nothing to wear - i happened to mention this to Amy on Sunday evening and she said that she could make me one. So that she did! :) She and her sister and her sisters kids came over (a little crazy in the kid department - but it was fun) and Amy made me THE cutest poodle skirt ever fashioned with a glittery poodle and all! It's absolutely wonderful! I can't wait to wear it tonight - I am going to win that stinkin' costume contest!!! :)
Thank you again Amy - you truely are the Best!!!
Monday, June 11, 2007
So for Mothers day my aunt bought all the ladies little herbs to plant. They were very cute - it came with a small teracotta (sp?) pot and the seeds and soil of course. I planted them finally a couple weeks ago and thought to myself - "what a waste - they are never going to grow - not with me as the grower". I was so wrong... I have little buds happening. I can't remember what herb I took home - it was either Thyme or Basil or something like that - but whatever it is is growing in my kitchen. I can't believe it! I have a green thumb after all.
Oh and on that same note - Saturday - Jon and I went to the Hillsboro Farmers Market and bought 2 hanging plants - they are gorgeous and still alive too!!! I'm a freakin' gardener - or atleast a freakin' waterer....
Anyway - must go clean my children!
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
So I know you are probably thinking - "Oh Jon and Emily are going on a date" - but you are so mistaken... I am taking Molly on a date tonight. We are going to go to dinner and then go over to my friends house for a little toy party. I don't get to be with just Molly very often. Usually if I take just one of the girls I take Charlotte because I nurse her - but tonight is my night with Molly. I am really looking forward to it. We will probably just go to a quick dinner - like Carl's Jr. or something - but we are going to go just the two of us and that's what's important. Anyway - it should be a fun little night! :) I just hope she is a perfect angel!
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Molly broke my glasses this morning - I just about lost it. I came downstairs from taking my showers and they they were in two pieces. I cried.... I am so bummed - I finally got them after seeing blurry and dealing with headaches for quite a while and then bam they are gone. I have the worst headache right now and I guarantee it's because of the lack of glasses. It makes me so sad and mad. Molly was so apologetic - she knew she wasn't supposed to touch them. I came down and saw them and just looked at her and said "Molly why did you break Molly's glasses?" She just started crying and saying "sorry" over and over again.
Now the thing to do is get them fixed or get new ones if they can't fix it. I don't know what to do... they weren't cheap!
Well that's all folks....
Oh and if you were wondering - "he can't see without his glasses" is from My Girl.... sweet movie - it had absolutely nothing to do with my little story - but I thought it fit - I can't see without mine... nor could he - although he was dead... I am not. Enough enough enough already!
Good night!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Okay so I don't know how long my internet connection will last but I did want to say hello to all you out there! I hope all is well. If you didn't know we had been "borrowing" an internet connection from our neighbor who moved away a few weeks ago... I never even met them but I have to tell you that this has been the hardest transition ever.... me without internet that is - not them moving... Anyway I know I know I am going to have to bite the big one and just get our own internet connection - but for now we are "borrowing" from a very very weak connection coming from God knows where.
Our world has been quite crazy lately. I feel like we have had something on the calendar nearly every day if not more than one. Just for example - this past Saturday Jon helped out at the church at 9am installing a railing - at 10am he came home so I could head over to the church for a meeting, at 11am I swapped once again with him and he went back to the church to finish helping out with the railing project. He finally came home around 12:30pm to have lunch, shower and let me take a small nap while the girls napped too. At 2:30pm we went to one of our elders homes for a 50th birthday party and left very quickly after we got there to go to my parents house for our weekly gathering. It was a great day - everything went smoothly - but it was just a hectic crazy day - and that was just one of the days this weekend....
Charlotte had her 1st birthday party last week - it was so awesome! Thanks Sarah and Amy - what would I do without you.... we'll see - I'm throwing Molly's 2nd birthday party in about a month... it should be interesting. Anyway - Charlotte's party was so great. She got lots of wonderful gifts and "picked" at her cake just as Amy had hoped. Many family and friends showed up and it was a wonderful afternoon.
Like I said I am throwing Molly's party in about a month - it's going to be Shrek themed since she is completely and udderly obsessed with Shrek - it should be very fun! We are going to have it outdoors though because my house is just a bit too small for all of our friends and family - so park it is!
Let's see... what else - oh Jon got a raise today - he had a fantastic review and got a very nice raise - he deserves all of it and more!
Anyway - I do believe that is all for now - I do apologize that it's been so long and hopefully it wont be this long again.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Thursday, May 03, 2007
He's actually kind of cute huh? In a killer whale kind of way....
Ashley - this one is for you - notice how close those surfers are to that little guy..... he could lunge and they would be gone in a flash....

Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Okay so I said I was going to go work out last night too - but the night got away from me and now I can't work out until next week! Way too much stuff going on each night - Wednesday Jon has Youth Group and Lauren has a game, Thursday I am going with Angela to some bachelorette party for a person I don't even know.... Friday I am leaving for the beach with my mom for the Womens retreat and then all weekend I will be gone... Monday here I come!!! :)
Last night I went to Hayden's game (pat on the shoulder) which was early enough to go workout afterwards but when we got home Jon and I decided to tackle Molly's room - we are still trying to get it ready for her to sleep in her Toddler Bed - hopefully by this weekend - Jon wants to try it out while I'm gone. Anyway, we decided to do that before we put the girls down for bed. So we gave them a bath and played upstairs until it was 8:30pm - the girls were exhausted they normally go down before 8 - oops!. We got the room ready though - now we have to just put the "baby proofing" stuff on - that shouldn't take long at all!!! I'm just nervous about leaving her in there alone and able to do whatever she wants... it's kind of scary!!! You've all met her - she's a viking!!! That room is going to be destroyed in about 5 minutes!
Well now that you have read yet another post you don't care anything about I am going to go eat some breakfast with the girls!! Good day!
Monday, April 30, 2007
Yes you heard me right... I am amazing!!! I worked out tonight for the first time in years! I got off my ass and went to my parents house (Mac Gym or Gym Mac or what I like to call Club Mac or The Mac Club - doesn't it sound fancier somehow). I worked out for about a half hour - it was awesome! I feel so much better about having the LARGE plate of pasta I had for dinner!!! :) Okay I am completely aware that the little half hour workout I did did not burn off the amount of crap I had today but it's a start right?? I just have felt way too lazy lately and with a free "gym" at my finger tips I just don't have any more excuses.... I am going to head over there tomorrow night too! I will let you know how it goes! :)
Anyway that is all.... I hope you all have a fantastic Tuesday!!! I plan on it!
Saturday, April 28, 2007
It was awesome! We will definetly get a big group together for "Molly's Marchers". We raised nearly $300.00 and we only had like 2 weeks! :) The walk it self was very nice - pretty short but nice. It was only a 3k - so just over a mile. We had a great time though and we will join in next year as well - maybe next year we can raise $3000.00!!! Probably not but it's nice to think big right?
After the walk our crazy day began...we took Sharon to brunch on 23rd - Besaw's - it's so yummy if you haven't been before you have to go! We got home a little before 1pm - Jon took Molly upstairs and started working on her room - we are trying to get her room ready for her to be in her toddler bed so we can move Charlotte into the crib and out of our room... anyway I digress... so Jon and Molly were working on her room and I nursed Charlotte and put her down for a nap - I went up to help Jon and he turned me away and said - go take a nap - so I did! :) I slept until about 2:45pm. I played with the girls for a little while and then went off to do bills and make a new budget. When I was done with that I made a grocery list, cut coupons and headed out to the grocery store. On my way there I stopped by Lauren's practice, picked up my avon and paid Sarah. I finally made it to the grocery store and saved about $70 or $80 by going to Winco. After Winco I stopped by Costco to get diapers and wipes but they were closed so I came home. Jon had already put Molly down for bed and I nursed Charlotte and put her down for bed - Jon and I just ate dinner and now I am finally relaxing at 9:00pm... we are watching Triple X and I plan on laying down and not getting up for the entire movie.... just wait I'm sure one of the girls will begin crying before I can even finish posting this though.... :)
Anyway - there is my detailed Saturday - pretty crazy huh??? Sadly they are always like that - this one was actually kind of lax compaired to the last few we've had! Now it's truely time to relax - I have a long day tomorrow as well....
Friday, April 27, 2007
So next weekend is our Womens Retreat for our church and I have to say that I am looking forward to it so much because I am going to be able to sleep!!! I told Jon last night that I was looking forward to sleeping and he looked at me like he was going to kill me.... you see he is staying home with both the girls all weekend... sleep isn't what he will be doing at all!! I do feel bad for him - but he will be fine... I hope!!! I am a little nervous because Charlotte is still nursing but it's really just for comfort at this point - so hopefully she will just give up and be a sweetheart for him all weekend.... Cross your fingers!!!
Well anyway - I need a nothing cup of coffee and the girls need a bath - they are beginning to stink... :) Okay maybe not - my girls never stink.... :) tee hee!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Sorry it's been forever since I've posted or even checked all your blogs - I have no real good excuse - I'm just sorry... I know you've missed me!! :)
So I have nothing really fantastic to tell you right now other than the fact that I am back and I will b posting more often - I promise!
A little peek into my world today - Charlotte is eating raisins on the floor and scooting around saying "ma ma" in a sweet high pitched voice. Molly is still napping - she's been asleep since just before 2pm and it's just after 4pm. Jon is on his way home I am going to start dinner in about 15 minutes - my famous sauce and pasta - yummy! I am sipping a cup of coffee and chatting with you all on this wonderful life saver called a laptop!!! :)
Well that's all I have to share with you all today - other than I'll be seeing you.... or atleast writing you!
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Everywhere I look someone is either having a baby or is pregnant with babies.... Basically since our friend had her daughter Mckayla there have been babies like every 3 months.... Mckayla, Molly, Zackary, Charlotte, Jackson, Morgen, Jack, Malia.... the list goes on... now Sarah is pregnant my friend Melanie just announce she too is pregnant, and I have 3 friends that are activly trying - hopefully they get their wishes too! All I have to say is thank god I am not one of them..... I don't think I could be this excited for everyone else if I too were sharing in all that pregnant glory.... I need a break personally - a long break....
Anyway it's so exciting that our group of family and friends are just creating the most wonderfully gorgeous babies and/or adopting them. It's fantastic!
Anyway I now should get into the shower while my 2 gorgeous babes are fast asleep! :)
Friday, February 09, 2007
That's it - I just had to share my happiness with all y'all (yes I did it again - I had to - it just fit in so nicely)!
That's it - I just had to share my happiness with all y'all (yes I did it again - I had to - it just fit in so nicely)!
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Molly was in the kitchen playing with in the cupboard I let her into (it's the tupperware cupboard) and on the tv was a commercial for Madonnas next concert - Molly came running from the kitchen and then started dancing in front of the tv until the commercial was over. Then she looked at me like - "Mom why did you stop that fantastic music?" and then walked back into the kitchen and continued playing. Picture Molly in her diaper and her pigtales from yesterday dancing to Madonna like she was at the club... too funny!
That is all my friends - thought you would enjoy that!
Wait before I leave you - Molly just pulled my shirt down and said "bebes" then pointed to her own chest and said "maey bebes". And for any of you toddler illiterate that would be "boobies" and "Molly's boobies"!
Now have a nice day!
Monday, January 29, 2007
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
You know what's funny - I have to admit that I've been known to thrash others yards when I was younger just so mine would stay nice and fresh looking.... I feel like doing that now!! :) Anyway my OCD has come out a bit today!
Have a wonderful snow day! Go thrash your neighbors yards!!! :)
Monday, January 15, 2007
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Considering the temperature was about 24 degrees outside - Jon decided to start the car while we packed up our crap! After about 20 minutes of getting the girls bundled up and gathering up the Powell mess - we took off in our seperate cars to come home. Charlotte passed out before we left the neighborhood but Molly stayed awake and wanted me to hold her foot the whole way home - which was fine with me because it was bare and so cute!!! :) We got home and Charlotte was still sleeping and as Jon put Molly in some pjs I fixed a bottle for her and she went down for bed - this is about 11:00pm or so. She fell right to sleep and I got myself ready for bed, Jon popped in a movie downstairs, Charlotte woke I fed her and we were off to bed.... it was about midnight when I finally went upstairs. Jon wasn't really tired so he watched his movie and came to bed about an hour and a half later..... At about 2am Molly wakes screaming and Charlotte wanted to eat - Jon got up with Molly - got her a new bottle and changed her diaper laid her down and she was quite for about 20 minutes and then back to screaming. Jon went in and plugged her - she was then quite for about an hour, then back to crying again. Jon went in to make sure she was ok and replugged her and laid her back down and left the room - she was still crying - after about 10 minutes of that Jon gave up and brought her downstairs - she wanted nothing to do with that.... Jon laid her back down and came to bed. she was quite again for about an hour and then it began again - finally around 4:30am Jon gave up and brought her downstairs where she too gave up and finally fell asleep. I don't know when or how but aparently she somehow got out of Jons arms while they were sleeping on the couch and got into the bathroom downstairs and decided to shred toilet paper all over the living room and remove some of Mommy's personal items... NICE! So after Charlotte and I came downstairs - cleaned up and made some coffee I realized Charlotte was poopy.... Poopy isn't really the word for it.... she was covered in poop! She had it from her neck down and all over her arms and even a bit in her armpits - it was lovley! I stripped her down and Jon gave her a bath while I started some laundry - you can't let the poop sit - it solidifies and becomes a stain! It is now 9:40am and I am just now having my cup of coffee and in about 10 minutes I have to go do bills, take a shower and then head over to my inlaws where I am going to help clean and "decorate" for a "wedding"! Oh isn't my life fantastic!
So after hearing all our fun if you still want a baby go for it - but this is what you have to look forward to!!!
That is all! Have a good morning/afternoon/evening (whatever time it is when you read this)! Hopefully no more FUN happens for us today! I don't know that I can take more! :)
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
My neighbors just bought a big beautiful house - a 4 bedroom 3 bath with a large kitchen and a huge backyard. It's in that nice neighborhood across from Century High School. It is absolutely gorgeous!!! They were showing me pictures of it last night and all I could do was think of how jealous I was. I am happy for them of course - but still!!! Just thought I would share that with all ya'll!
So last night I had the strangest dream! I would love to know where dreams actually come from. I dreamt that my dad was the high school cheerleading coach and that I was trying out for the team and he assured me I would make it up until the day before we started - he posted the girls that made the team and the reasons of why the others didn't make it. Next to my name it said - "NOT PRETTY ENOUGH". I was so devestated. Then after fighting with him and yelling at him and my mom and my friends - I found a wad of hundred dollar bills. Not sure where that fits in - but it did in my dream. After finding the wad of hundred dollar bills (by the way this was a stack about as big as a Red Robin Burger with all the fixin's) I figured out what my dad meant by not being pretty enough..... I realized that my nails needed to be trimmed - so I bit them off and spit them out - I couldn't seem to get the peices out though - it was so strange - I kept spitting and more kept coming out - mouth fulls. It was disgusting!!!! It actually makes me want to vomit right now! After I finally got all the nails out of my mouth I tackled my "boyfriend" who is an ex boyfriend from college - I haven't thought of him in years..... Right as we started to kiss I woke up to my true reality!!!
Dreams.... so strange - yet so awesome. I actually really like to dream - it allows me to live a bunch of different lives when I sleep!